“Mr. Baron is retrieving the other students and getting them out,” Miss Sage shared.

I prayed the others were okay as we ran through the cool night air. It was heavy tonight, holding a promise of something dark and deadly in the shadows.

I flicked my eyes wildly as we rushed to the garage, waiting to see that archangel from earlier. How would we handle him? Could Hadley and Diane defend against him again?

I wanted to go back and help Dezikiel. We knew my power worked on angelics, surely I could help him. But Miss Sage wouldn’t allow it, and I had to have faith he could handle himself.

If anything happened to Jophiel or Dezikiel though… my stomach dropped at the thought. There’d be no getting into Heaven and finding a prophet, no finding out the truth and closing the gates. I’d forever be hunted and on the run.

I swallowed down the panic that was setting in as we rounded the corner to the garage.

And came to an abrupt halt.

Hadley and Diane launched to the forefront as the archangel from earlier threw up his hands, the air buzzing with his power as two other angels stood behind him.

“I’m afraid this Academy is being terminated!” the archangel shouted, as the glowing green shield before us groaned and struggled.

He shouted in frustration as Hadley and Diane fought against him, and I gasped as white wings exploded from his back, ruffling his navy-blue suit.

I momentarily wondered why all the angels wore suits. It really was likeSupernaturalwith them.

But I shoved the random thought from my head.

“Wait! Please!” I cried out as I shoved past Jack, who caught my arm and tried to yank me back behind him protectively.

Too bad I was determined, and I fought against him.

“Ah, the spawn of a Prince,” the archangel drew back as he lowered his hands, and Hadley let out a breath she’d been holding as she maintained the surrounding barrier with Diane.

I could tell it was taking far too much combined power from the pair of them to hold him at bay.

Diane and Hadley cast me shocked looks, like I was insane for thinking I could talk reason with him. But I had to try, I had to say something. I wasn’t sure if their magic could hold against him for long, and Miss Sage looked ready to rush forth and sacrifice herself in an attempt to take him down. Which even I knew was a stupid idea.

“Please, you don’t know everything, I’m the daughter of Remiel too,” I said the first thing that came to mind, and the two angels behind him exchanged hesitant looks.

The archangel’s smile faltered as his brow knitted together. His long brown hair was tied back in a ponytail, and he appeared freshly shaved and looked like he belonged on a runway rather than on a murder spree.

“Lies,” he sneered as he went to lift his hands again, and Hadley hissed as she steadied herself.

“I’m not lying!” I willed my black wings forth, drawing shocked gasps from the two angels with him as they furled around me. “Remiel was my mother, and a prophet foretold that I could close the gates of Hell for good,” I proclaimed as I stepped up between the sisters. Jack was right behind me, one hand wrapped around my wrist, ready to yank me back at a second’s notice. I could feel my other three hellhounds simmering behind me, ready to launch into action.

“A hybrid?” one of the other angels murmured as he looked at his companion. “How is that possible?”

“Raphael, is it possible?” the other angel asked as he looked to the archangel before them.

So that was his name.

“No, impossible,” Raphael growled as he narrowed his eyes at me.

“She bears the wings,” the first angel said as he gazed at me curiously. “They may not be pure, but they are angelic.”

Raphael sighed as he shook his head and raised one hand up. I shuddered as he clicked his fingers, and the two angels by him exploded into white light and vanished.

I just stared, gobsmacked. Had he just murdered two angels? His own people?

“I don’t think you can reason with him, Lily,” Hadley hissed.

“I’m sorry, Lily. We can’t have you ruining our plans. Closing the gates of Hell is not something we want right now,” Raphael said as he clucked his tongue.