“How are you here?” my mother was still in disbelief as she just stared at my father curiously.

“Seems when I passed, I got judged and placed up here. Never in a million years would I have thought I’d wind up in Heaven,” my father scoffed, just as shocked as I was. “And Lily here linked our Heavens. Came and told me what she was doing. I didn’t think such a thing was possible, then again, nor did I think I could come upstairs.”

“Well, you did change your ways, and God does forgive, although the one who judged us was not my father,” Remiel mused.

“Who was it?” I asked, awfully fascinated by the whole thing.

“No idea, I just know I wound up in the presence of something powerful, and then I got placed where I belonged.” My mother just shrugged as she poured the juice for us.

“You did also sacrifice yourself to save me, that might have swayed judgment on you, dad,” I added, and my mother faltered in pouring more juice for me. I wasn’t sure if it was because I’d called him dad, the word slipping out with ease and even shocking myself as he gave me an odd look, or the fact I’d also dropped on her.

She looked to my father, who just gave her a sheepish smile.

“She’s our daughter, I had to protect her.”

My mother’s face softened at this, and I could see the love swell in her eyes.

This was exactly where I wanted to be today, and I relaxed as my parents reconnected, and I enjoyed the special time with them.

My mother told him more about my childhood and shared stories, and I told them about my time in Heaven, how my hellhounds were now angelic as well. This fascinated them both, along with our bond, and I eventually came clean about my more intimate relationship with them. This stunned the pair of them, but they were surprisingly accepting of it. My father was curious as to how it worked, although he made it clear he didn’t want the bedroom details about his little girl, which my mother had laughed at and agreed with. It was not something they needed to know.

My father became curious about my ability to exorcize demons, and I put it down to being able to control lower-level demons. I could completely exorcize them with ease too.

We spoke about many things, including how the Academy was changing and the entire rules for demonics were being re-evaluated.

“This is nice, having us all together,” my mother said softly from her seat beside my father on the wicker couch. We’d settled into a comfortable silence as I downed my second glass of juice while listening to the birdsong and some rustling of leaves in a gentle breeze.

“It’s perfect,” my father added as he pulled her into his side, his arm still wrapped around her shoulders. He’d barely stopped looking at her like a grand treasure since we’d arrived, and I adored it.

“I can visit all the time if you’d like that?” I said carefully, and my mother’s face lit up as she looked at my father.

“I’d love to do a family dinner for us,” she said happily, and I could feel her innocent excitement at such a normal thing. Something we’d never had.

“Sounds like a plan,” my father nodded. “I’d love to help.”

“Oh shush, we both know your skills in the kitchen are appalling,” my mother laughed.

“Ah, but I can make a mean cocktail, a blue devil, a devil in disguise, devil’s delight—"

“You’re lucky she’s technically old enough to drink,” my mother jumped in as I laughed, finding it comical that all the drinks were devil related. As to be expected.

“Is she just?” My father questioned playfully.

“I raised her in Australia, so yes,” she said with an eye roll. “And this is Heaven, it doesn’t matter.”

“True.” My father’s face softened as he touched her cheek, and her grin shifted into a sweet smile as he gave her a kiss.

“Now, I’m going to go and get dinner started for us, I guess you can see what drinks she’d like to try from your specialties,” my mother said as she patted his chest and rose.

“Well, you heard her, how about we go raid the liquor cupboard and see what I can make?” my father grinned at me, and I snorted.

This was absolutely perfect, and I looked forward to enjoying a family dinner with them.

For things to be completely normal.

* * *

“So you brought Dariel back?” Thomas asked as I sat on the back porch with him. I’d had an incredible roast dinner with my parents before finally leaving them, promising to return in a day or two. I had other obligations, like dealing with the demon outbreak, but I also had wanted to do a few other things. I’d wanted to stay the night, but my mother had agreed, saying that I had to deal with things that were happening on earth. They weren’t going anywhere, and she was excited to do family dinners. Have a normal life in a way. Which I was more than happy to be a part of.