My chest tightened as Uriel hesitantly rose, and I vaguely took note of what Michael had said about his retirement. Did they all take turns retiring for millennia or something? But now I was going to get some answers in regards to my mother apparently.

“Why was Remiel cast out of Heaven and marked as a Fallen?” Michael asked once Uriel had shuffled up to stand before his brothers.

“She spoke of how she foresaw that a hybrid was the key to creating the Divine Key. That there had to be a mixing of the species. It was wrong, but she was determined, and she planned to go to Hell to speak with Lucifer in regards to it all. We believed it was wrong…”

“So you cast her out, marked her as Fallen, making it impossible for her to reach me or contact me,” Lucifer growled as he stepped forward to tower over his brother.

“Uriel…” Michael shook his head.

“It was wrong, a mixing of the species is wrong!” Uriel argued, but even his other brothers were shaking their heads.

“We’re lucky she met Asmodeus on the earthly plane. Perhaps it was our father’s will,” Lucifer smirked.

“But you cast our sister out for speaking about the Divine Key.” Raguel shook his head in disappointment.

“Not to mention you tried to put down Lily. She told me about her friend taking the blow intended for her by you. And I know Raphael passed when he attacked the Academy she was training at. I’ve released the prisoners taken then,” Michael stated. “We must decide on your punishment, but for now, you will be taken away, we have more important matters to attend to,” Michael said as he nodded at some of the armed angels standing to the side.

They strode over, and Uriel didn’t resist as they took him by the arms and led him out of the building.

“So, time for the main event, the reason you’ve all been summoned here,” Lucifer grinned as Michael stepped forward.

“There is a way to close the gates of Hell, to put an end to the rips and the plague of demons on the earthly plane. In order to do that, Lily, daughter of Remiel, our Divine Key, needs angel grace to power her ability. We need to charge her up like a battery,” Michael explained and beckoned for me to step forward.

I did as asked, my heart thrumming hard as Michael nodded at me.

“Before we do that, I’m sure she has requests. After all, we all want the gates closed, but Lily may have some terms, especially since there will still be demonics on earth,” Lucifer spoke up, and Michael nodded. I wanted to thank the damn devil for stepping in, and I just nodded as he beamed brightly at me, as if he’d known all along that I’d need some assurances first.

“Lily, do you have any requests before we proceed?” Michael asked, holding a hand up to silence the murmurs that rose up in the room.

“Yes, I do. I want to make sure all demonics are not terminated, that they are allowed to live out their lives,” I spoke up, surprising myself with how calm and collected my voice was.

“Of course,” Michael nodded. “You have my word.”

“Even with the rips closed, I know some demons escaped when Baal attempted to force them open. These demons will need to be hunted down, so the demonics will still be wanted for this. Is this okay?” Lucifer asked as he moved to lean on the podium, like all of this was just a casual thing for him and not some grand Great Hall event deciding the fate of the world.

I felt stupid for having demands when the world was at stake, but if I was the one saving it, I wanted to make sure my friends were safe.

“I think it should be a choice, if that’s okay,” I said carefully as I looked to Michael.

“Demonics don’t get a choice in the tasks assigned to them,” an angel in the crowd cried out.

“Well, under these new terms, they will,” Michael stated, which caused a few disgruntled mutters.

“It’s not like they had a choice in being born different,” Lucifer added with a snort.

“I want my hellhounds to be protected as well,” I added, and I felt my men all look to me, although I kept my gaze trained on the crowd.

“Granted, along with yourself,” Michael said. “Is there anything else?”

I pondered on it for a few moments. That was all I’d really wanted, and I was shocked he’d so willingly agreed to it.

“That’s all, I believe,” I said carefully.

“I think, if you close these rips, we’ll be willing to go over any follow-up requests should they come up afterward,” Gabriel said as he arched a brow at Michael questioningly.

“Of course, that sounds ideal,” Michael agreed. “Now, does anyone oppose these terms?”

The Hall was silent as the angels looked to one another.