Seeing Lily so traumatized and pained made me ache within. I couldn’t help but share her pain. We’d not wished this upon her. Why was she the one with such a heavy burden?

I wanted to hide her away from this world, and protect her from all those who wanted to bring her harm, but I knew it was pointless. They’d find her, no matter how hard we tried to ward her.

Besides, even if it felt like it was too much, I knew her well enough. She’d want to save the world. If she was the only one who could, she’d do it. Just like she’d been willing to sacrifice herself for all of us.

I bristled at the reminder, wanting to be furious with her for her choice.Wewereherprotectors. Not the other way around. And yet she’d gone with Baal to save the rest of us.

At least she was safe now.

“There’s no need to thank us,” Chum said sweetly as he kissed her neck again. I wanted to pull her into my own lap, to wrap her up in my arms, and promise her we’d get her through this. That we would beat all the odds together.

“I know, but still.” Lily was smiling at us, and the utter love in her eyes made my chest tighten. How had we been so blessed with such a divine female? One who loved us despite what we were? Who was happy to be shared by us all?

“Should we say our goodbyes?” Bug brought up, and Lily sighed.

“Right, I wonder who’s coming with us, he didn’t tell us that,” she groaned.

“They’ll probably tell us all at dinner,” Jack spoke up.

I snarled as an explosion sounded off outside, and my brothers bounded to their feet as they took up protective stances around Lily.

“What’s going on?!” she hissed as I shot to the window and leaned against the wall as I glanced out carefully.

I couldn’t see anything, but I could feel the change in the air.

Something had gotten through the wardings.


I snapped my head back; the growl dying in my throat as Hadley shoved the door open with Diane behind her.

“What’s happened?” Jack barked.

“Angels, guess Dezikiel was wrong when he thought they wouldn’t come so soon. We need to get out of here,” Hadley said quickly as Diane glanced back down the hall.

“What about the others?” Lily asked as Chum helped her off the bed and we all headed for the door.

“I don’t know, they were in the leisure room I think.” Hadley’s eyes were wide, her brow creased and her lips set in a grim line as she beckoned us out into the hall.

“Where do we go?” I growled as I stepped up behind Lily to take up my position. My brothers had taken up their stances on all sides of her, with Jack in front, ready to take on anything that came our way.

“I think the garage. We need a vehicle,” Hadley hissed.

“I can’t believe they broke through the wardings, Dezikiel and Jophiel reinforced them,” Diane whimpered.

“They’re powerful angels, and they’ve clearly brought the big guns,” Hadley muttered as we all darted down the hall.

“Should we find the others first?” Bug asked.

Hadley didn’t get a chance to respond as a man appeared at the end of the hall, having come up the stairs.

“No!” Hadley shouted as the angel reached out. I shuddered as I felt his power rippling through the air as he tried to destroy us with just sheer force.

Hadley’s hands were up, and we froze as the green shield vibrated from the intensity of the angel’s power.