“Anything for you, Lily. You are my world,” she said with a soft smile. “You changed my life the day you were born.”

My chest tightened at her words as I pursed my lips, fighting the urge to cry once more. I wanted to just pause and stamp this moment into my memory, every fine line of her face, the sound of her voice, the way her smile touched her eyes.

“Should we continue moving? What if they catch up to us?” Thomas spoke up after a moment.

“You are both safe here, they can’t follow you into my Heaven,” my mother said as she gazed around the yard for a moment, pausing to stare at my younger self as she darted to the small playground. I still remembered my excitement when my mother had paid the lovely neighbor to build it for me.

“Why not?” I asked as she returned her focus to me. “Why can’t they follow us here?”

“An angel’s Heaven is inaccessible to other angels,” she said as her eyes sparkled with awe. “Which is why I still can’t believe you’re here.”

“Wait, how is that even possible?” I balked, and she shrugged as she just grinned at me.

“You’re something far more powerful than any of us could have imagined. A hybrid with the ability to do so much.” My mother touched my face gently, the pride and awe visible in her eyes, making my throat tighten.

“Lily… if they can’t follow us in here, you could stay a while?” Thomas said quietly, and I turned to him, the words slowly processing.

There was an underlying implication in what he was saying, and I could see it in his eyes.

Not just stay for a while. I was safe here, from everyone that sought me out. I could stay here, with my mother, living a life I’d lost with her.

I moved my gaze back to my mother’s, and her face softened.

“As much as she wants to do that, to stay here with me, she knows that she can’t. Isn’t that right, darling?” she said sweetly as she ran her thumb over my cheek.

“I want to…” I choked out, my body trembling once more. I could stay. I could be with my mother, safe from everything.

But what would happen to the world then? How would my friends fare, my hellhounds? I couldn’t run away from this responsibility.

“But I’m sure the world could wait a little longer if you’d both like to come in for some brownies I just put on,” she said softly as her hand fell away. “And then you can continue on, sweetheart.”

I nodded, unable to form words. I would take every extra moment I could before I left her.

“Can Lily actually eat the brownies?” Thomas asked, and my mother laughed, the sound making me smile even as my eyes blurred. How I’d longed to hear that sound again.

“Of course she can, just because this is Heaven, doesn’t mean she can’t. It’s as real as she is while she’s here,” my mother explained. “Now, how about I whip up some Milo too? Just how you liked it?”

I chuckled as I bobbed my head and wiped my eyes.

All I could do was follow after her, still disbelieving it was really her. But I wouldn’t waste a second of it.