“Still can’t believe she killed an archangel,” Chumley said once the shower had been running for a few moments.
“And two Princes of Hell,” Bug added.
“She’s stronger than any of us could’ve imagined,” I said as I stared at the bathroom door. We’d known what she was, that she had angel grace. But to think she’d be this powerful…
“Do you think she can do this? Close the gates of Hell?” Bug murmured as he settled against the bedhead.
“Yeah, I think she can.” I nodded, although a pit settled in my stomach. Surely a sacrifice wouldn’t be the way. Hell was one thing, they were all about blood and death, but Heaven? No, it wouldn’t require her death. If it did, I’d whisk her away without a second thought, and we’d hide her away from the world if we had to.
“No sacrifice,” Chum muttered as he flicked through the TV channels.
“If it even comes up as a potential way of doing it, we take her away. Hightail it out of there,” I clarified, and my three brothers made firm sounds of agreement.
“I can’t believe they want the apocalypse. To let all of Hell loose on the planet. That won’t just destroy mankind, it’ll damage everything, right?” Chum frowned as he met my gaze.
“I’m not sure. Demons like chaos, so it would mainly be mankind they’d go for. But what’s to say they wouldn’t set off nukes or something? That’d devastate the whole planet,” I said with a sigh. “Then again, the angels could just restore the wildlife and vegetation, minus humans.”
“You think God would really want that?” Bug mumbled as he shifted uneasily.
God, the big man himself. We knew of him, but from all the study I’d done, from everything I’d heard from the angels, it seemed he was no longer involved. Where even was he? Had he just stepped back to watch his creations work? Or had he faded away from existence now? Just what was he? Was he even a he? A living thing? Or just a grand power of creation.
I blinked away the shattering questions, knowing there was no way I’d get an answer.
“I think he’s just watching to see how it all plays out. Giving free rein to all his toys,” Chum mused. “See what they do when they’re given free will.”
“The angels still believe in him and follow the path he set for them, mostly,” Bug pointed out.
“Maybe not as much as we all think,” I said as I listened to the shower still running. “Clearly many of them have their own opinions of mankind now.”
“Do you think they’re entirely wrong? I mean, in the Marvel movies, Thanos even had a point. I’m not entirely sure he was the bad guy,” Chum said quietly.
“Mankind certainly has messed up a lot, but they’re still learning, and there are many good people trying to make sure things are set right. We have to believe in them,” I said firmly, although I could understand his point.
“You think all of mankind should be wiped out?” Bug gave Chum a look of utter disbelief.
“No! Of course not, but I do think the world would be better off if all the bad people went away,” Chum defended himself quickly.
“There will always be bad people. You can get rid of some, but more would rise up. It’s just the balance needed,” I said.
“You think these rips in the gates of Hell are a balance too?” Creeper spoke up as he folded his arms.
I didn’t say anything. It was something I’d wondered about too. Was it just how things were meant to be? A part of the natural cycle?
If so, why would Lily have been born? Why would such things be foretold of her power?
Unless her father was lying. Could we even trust him, a Prince of Hell?
He’d saved her life, sacrificed himself, and that was more than enough for me to believe him. And he’d created us to protect his wife and child.
“No, I don’t think so,” I finally said, and Creeper just nodded. “Lily’s ability wouldn’t have been possible if it was a true balance. Maybe she’s the key to restoring balance.”
“What will happen to all the demonics then? You think angels will just let them have normal lives?” Chum asked the question that Diane had brought up in the car at one point. Even Miss Sage wasn’t sure what it would mean for them.
Perhaps Lily could set some rules for her assistance to close the rips. Surely there were those who wanted that. Raphael had to be only one of a few who wanted the apocalypse. Those other two angels with him had seemed stunned at the revelation of Lily and what she was. Normal angels would want the gates closed fully. Hopefully.