“Y’know, if you guys drove, it would’ve made things easier for all of us. Since you don’t sleep,” I noted. I’d thought about when we’d changed drivers, but my guys hadn’t learned how to drive yet.

“How do you even do your hunts then?” I asked as I thought about it.

“We can ride bikes. We have licenses for those,” Jack informed me. “But not for cars.”

“Why not? Can’t be that different.”

“Not sure, think Dezikiel planned for us to get them soon, but it just didn’t happen. Bikes are easier to slip around places on.”

That made sense.

I enjoyed the massage from Jack until a sharp knock on the door had him stopping as Creeper opened it.

“Clothes for everyone if you want to shower. Hopefully they fit,” Paris said as she and Wayne entered.

“Got some extra underwear too for you,” she added as she offered me a pile of clothes.

“Think I got your sizing close enough,” Wayne said as he gave my hellhounds theirs. “Bet you’re all keen on showers after being cooped up in the car all day.”

“Definitely,” I said as I rose. “Thanks.”

“Bare necessities. There’s some toothpaste and toothbrushes too, and a travel brush,” Paris said as she offered me a smile.

“Oh, that’s awesome, thank you,” I said as I moved in for a hug.

She stiffened for just a moment before hugging me back as Wayne chuckled.

“Miss Sage said we’ll be leaving early, so try to get as much sleep as you can,” Wayne stated as he turned back for the door.

I nodded as the pair left, and Chum switched on the TV.

“You go have the first shower,” Jack said as I stood with my armful of clothes.

I didn’t even argue as I headed for the shower, the idea of the warm water exciting me. It’d been a long day of driving, and despite catching a few naps in the car, the prospect of sleeping in a bed was enticing.

I was quick to undress and climb in, but the excitement quickly gave way to uneasiness as I started to think.

We were running for our lives now, from angels and demons alike.

Everyone was resting their hopes on me, and I was the reason everyone was at risk now.

That weighed heavily on me, and I gritted my teeth as I washed myself. I hated feeling like I was a burden, the sole cause for all of this. It didn’t matter what any of them said either. It was just a plain fact.

But I also couldn’t change it, and I had to accept that. My friends could bail at any time, but they’d chosen to stay by me.

They had faith in me, and I couldn’t let them down. Just like I wouldn’t let my parents down. They believed I could save the world.

“Couldn’t have just wanted me to become a damn brain surgeon,” I muttered to myself before snorting at the absurdity of my life.

Never in a million years would I have thought this would be my life as a child.