And what the others liked…

I swallowed at the thought of taking it further with the others too.

“Don’t use your teeth, ask them questions, how much pressure they like, get your tongue in on the action, lick the tip, swirl it over the tip, along the shaft, play with their balls,” Diane listed things off her fingers as she thought of them.

“Oh, for oral, if they’re on the bigger side use one hand too, sort of in a twist motion while you bob your head,” Hadley said as she showed me how on an air dick.

I smirked at the thought, listening as they gave me all their tips and pointers.

I sure hoped I could figure it out.

I guess I’d just have to practice and learn.

* * *

“So, Hadley, why are you asking us what sperm tastes like?” Hershel asked before he took a bite out of his sandwich. His short mousey brown hair was spiked up at the front, and those green eyes were wickedly playful as he eyed Hadley.

My face burned as I stared down at the chicken and cheese sandwich in my hand. I prayed no one was looking at me. Why’d he have to bring that up at lunch with everyone around? Damn Hadley having to ask them. I just hoped this conversation didn’t reveal what we’d been talking about before the topic arose.

“We were just curious, that’s all,” Diane said with a playful grin as she shrugged.

“How did that even come up in conversation?” Matthew asked as he shook his head, his dark brown hair falling into his equally dark chocolate eyes.

I shifted as I felt my hellhounds gazing at me curiously. They knew it had mostly likely come up when we’d been off having our ‘girl talk’. Jack’s lip quirked upwards, but he didn’t say a word as he continued eating. I shot Hadley a look, then flicked my gaze to Diane, praying they didn't tell them why.

They both gave me sly smiles in return, and my stomach churned. Oh no.

"Well you see, we decided it was time to give Lily the birds and bees talk. We started wondering things the more we spoke about it," Diane said while winking at me. Monster.

Now all eyes were on me, and my cheeks flushed as I averted my gaze.

“You needed the birds and bees talk? I knew the hellhounds were virgins, but I assumed everyone else had done stuff,” Flynn mused, his blue eyes glittering under the light from the chandelier. His blond hair was cut short thanks to Hadley, who often cut their hair for them.

“Fairly certain everyone else here has done stuff,” Hershel stated before he looked to me with a sincere smile. “Good on you for waiting. I hope your first time is perfect.”

“Thanks,” I murmured as I glared at my food like it was going to run away. Hell, I wanted to run away.

Amazingly, Diane and Hadley didn’t remark on this and give away my new non-virgin status.

Thank God.

“Doesn’t all sperm taste salty?” Paris spoke up with an arched eyebrow.

“No, demonic sperm tastes tangy, almost like vinegar,” Dylan said thoughtfully with his fork raised. His ashy brown hair was a mess, but his blue eyes were bright and alert.

“You know what sperm tastes like? Wait, don’t tell me. I don’t want to know about your sex life,” Wayne groaned, and Paris smirked and rolled her eyes at him.

“As if you can talk, I know you’ve been getting some tail. It’s obvious as hell when you come back some nights, I want to know if it’s just the one chick or if you’re just slutting around?” Paris chuckled.

“Why does it matter?” Wayne said as he waved her off.

Paris just sighed at this and rolled her eyes.

“And how would you know what it tastes like?” Diane asked as she jabbed her fork at Dylan, having focused on what he’d said.

Dylan’s face went pale as he scowled down at his plate. All eyes were on him now.

“I don’t know, I just…” He bit his lip, refusing to meet any of our gazes.