I recognized it instantly with that stone embedded into it that I now suspected was a hellstone.

My mother’s wedding ring. Even after my father disappeared, she’d always worn it. She’d told me it was a reminder that the future would be bright, and she’d always kiss my head after saying those words.

He offered it to me, and I accepted it, smiling softly at it as I turned it over in my fingers.

My heart squeezed at the engraved text on the inside that I’d not known about before.

’To my dearest Remiel, my savior from the darkness’.

My heart fluttered at the words.

Remiel. Was that my mother’s real name?

I had to tell Jophiel and Dezikiel.

“Thank you so much, Xander. And I understand why you couldn’t tell me until now,” I said as I slowly rose off the bed.

“He cared for you a lot. I had to check in weekly at least, which wasn’t easy. His brothers were controlling communication between demons on the surface and back in Hell, but we found a loophole around it. I’m glad he got to meet you at least,” Xander said with a small smile.

I nodded, knowing that if I tried to speak, my voice would break. I didn’t want to think too much of my father right now. It was too fresh.

At least he’d looked content when he died. Like he was happy.

I’d try to focus on that.

I headed out of my room with Creeper behind me first before the others followed, as I stared at the ring in my hand.

Remiel. I felt like I’d heard the name before. Like someone may have called my mother that as a child, but I couldn’t recall who.

I headed down to the foyer and veered off to Dezikiel’s office, assuming that was where I’d find him.

I paused, rasping my knuckles on the door as my men stood around me quietly.

“Come in,” Dezikiel’s muffled voice called through the door.

I entered, glancing between him and Jophiel.

“What is it?” Dezikiel asked as he steepled his hands on his desk. Jophiel was leaning on the end of it, his hands planted on the desk like they’d been discussing something.

“I know my mother’s real name,” I stated as I eyed the ring.

They both straightened at this, interest glinting in their gazes.

“Go ahead,” Jophiel urged me onwards.

“Remiel,” I said softly, and his surprise only grew.

“Remiel. Well, I’ll be damned. I did always wonder what had become of her,” Jophiel managed a small smile as my heart skipped a few beats.

“You knew my mother?”

“Yes. We fought on the frontlines centuries ago. She was a powerful angel,” Jophiel said as he smiled fondly in memory.

“I should’ve thought to show you my photo of her,” I muttered as I shook my head.

“It wouldn’t have mattered. Our appearances change over the centuries to better suit the world we sometimes walk within. I wouldn’t have recognized her,” he admitted.

“How’d you learn this?” Dezikiel asked as he eyed my hands curiously.