Icried, unable to hold it all together any more.

I’d nearly died, I’d lost my dad, learned my mother was an angel, thatIwas part angel. Thomas had died, and I’d nearly lost my friends and hellhounds.

It was all too much, and I let it out as Chum laid down beside me, pulling me into his chest as he held me tight.

He didn’t care that I was a snotty mess, just murmured soft words of comfort with the others.

I was grateful for their presence with me as I wept, clinging to him and taking what small comfort I could in the soft touches of my hellhounds.

But it didn’t alleviate the hole in my heart. So much loss and grief, so much pain and despair.

I cried all my feelings out, until my tears dried up and a numbness settled over me.

Then I just lay there, mashed between Chum and Bug as Jack and Creeper sat on either side of them. Jack was stroking my hair, while Creeper’s fingers were trailing down my side soothingly.

Despite everything, I clung onto the fact that I could also close the gates.

I had a bigger purpose. My parents both believed that.

That I could save this world.

I sniffled softly and wiped my eyes, my head aching softly. I was a hybrid of the two beings, something capable of ending the war between them. Closing the gates would close all the rips, and demons would no longer be able to slip through into our world to wreak chaos.

But what about us demonics? What would happen to us then? Dezikiel hadn’t said anything about that, nor Jophiel. Would the angels decide we served no purpose anymore and destroy us?

I just blinked slowly as my mind whirred.

I imagined the angels would flip their switch if they realized I could close the gates of Hell. They’d support me, right? Offer their assistance once they realized I could solve all their problems?

Perhaps I could bargain with them then. Demand that all demonics be allowed to live free lives.

Without demons, no new demonics would come into creation.

We’d be the last generation.

I sat up just as a soft knock resounded on my door.

“It’s open,” I called out hoarsely before clearing my throat.

Xander entered the room, giving me a small smile as he strode over and stood by the bed.

“You okay?” he asked softly, and I just snorted. “Dumb question, sorry,” he mumbled as he shuffled his feet awkwardly. “I actually came to tell you something. Since your father died, I figured it no longer needed to be a secret. I wanted to tell you earlier, but I… couldn’t.”

I frowned as my four hellhounds focused on him too.

“Your father enlisted me to watch over you. Despite only being a lowly demon, he felt me return to the surface and reached out, telling me about you and his changed beliefs. He wanted me to help him keep watch over you, telling me you were the key to everything, to stopping demons for good. To relay things to him where I could. He knew you’d be joining an Academy soon, and I just happened to be cast out of Hell for retaining my soul at the right moment. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you before, he wanted it to be kept a secret,” he mumbled as he stared at his hands. “I didn’t trust him at first, but he told me that you could save everyone, and he helped me believe that he’d changed from just being a Prince of Hell.”

I just gazed at him, his words sinking in. My father had sent him to watch over me?

I found that oddly sweet, and I understood why he hadn’t told me. My father was a Prince of Hell, so you didn’t disobey. He probably had other reasons why he wanted Xander to keep quiet, but I softened at his words.

He had tried to protect me where he could, and I considered him a friend.

“Your father feared he’d die for bringing you into this world. He told me you were special, that one day you would reveal wings. I didn’t realize he meant angel wings though,” Xander admitted with a shake of his head. “He said when that time came, to give you this. Your potential would have awoken, but your other side would be something you couldn’t quite understand yet. That you’d need help,” he said as he reached into his pocket.

He pulled out a ring, and my heart squeezed at the sight.