Ihad no idea how Lily was holding herself together as well as she was. Sure, she’d broken down by the pyre, but considering what she’d gone through today, I was expecting more.
Now we sat with Jophiel and Dezikiel in the gardens while everyone else had gone inside to grieve and busy themselves.
“So, we need to figure out what our next step is,” Dezikiel sighed.
“Well, I’ve lost my access to Heaven, as have you. I’m considered fallen too now thanks to the High Council casting me out. Although I know of an earth-bound angel who can get us back into Heaven. From there, we will have to seek out the prophet. There are several tucked away in Heaven, but perhaps more than one will know of this power that you possess,” Jophiel said as he focused on Lily, who was wrapped up in Jack’s arms as she sat on his lap.
I stood with Chum beside her, while Bug sat with his legs stretched out on the grass.
The moon cast eerie shadows all around us, and I gazed up at it as if it held all the answers we sought.
“There’s still the issue of them sensing our presence. Even if only a few of us went,” Dezikiel said as he gave my brothers and I a careful look.
He meant if we stayed behind.
Like that was going to happen. We wouldn’t let her out of our sight now.
The fear and distress that had overtaken me when she’d gone with Baal was something I never wanted to feel again. I’d felt like a piece of me had been torn away, and that I was dying inside. I couldn’t lose her. I loved her more than anything, more than life itself. I’d die for her in a heartbeat, and that horrible moment where I’d realized I didn’t have the control to do that, to save her life by sacrificing my own, had crushed me. If I couldn’t do that, then how did I hope to protect her? She’d come so close to death by Baal’s hands, and the mere thought made rage boil inside me.
Thankfully, her father had helped us get to her, although she’d dealt with Baal before we could tear into him.
She was far stronger than any of us could have ever thought.She’dprotectedus.
I’d focus on that instead. That she was capable of defending herself if need be. Although I’d do everything in my power to protect her first.
I blinked, dragging my gaze away from her emotionless face as I realized Dezikiel and Jophiel had been speaking about the earth-bound angel that could get us all into Heaven. He knew of back doors, secret ways in, and Jophiel was sure that once we went to him, he could help us figure out a way to ward ourselves from the angels before entering Heaven.
Lily looked so broken and worn, and I wanted to make her feel better however I could. But not even Jack seemed to be helping her. We were helpless.
“We will leave after dinner to go meet with this angel. It will take us a few days to reach him, but I have an idea of where he is. Lily, perhaps it’d be best for you to head to your room until dinner, try to get some rest,” Jophiel suggested as he gave her a sad look.
She nodded slowly, and Jack helped her to her feet as Dezikiel watched after her.
She was silent as we took her to her room, where she instantly collapsed on the bed, leaving us all standing awkwardly around her.
Chum sat down beside her first, caressing her back as she turned her head to the side.
“Everything’s going to be okay,” he murmured as he flicked us all a worried glance.
“I hope so,” she mumbled. “I can’t keep losing people…” Her voice broke as she sucked in a breath. “I only just found my father, and now he’s gone. I barely got a chance to get to know him, to learn more about my mother. I lost him as soon as I found him,” she sobbed as the tears sprung free. “Thomas is dead too, Flynn got hurt. I know I shouldn’t think of it like it’s my fault, but I can’t help it. If I wasn’t here, none of this would’ve happened. If I’d died, everyone would be okay.”
My heart broke as she cried, and Jack and Bug joined her on the bed, touching her back and arm softly to comfort her.
I wanted to fix all of this for her, to make her feel better, but I was useless.
I sat down, my chest tightening as her sobs made my skin prickle. I wanted to wrap her up in my arms and promise her I would fix everything for her.
I’d do anything to not see her tears again, to not hear her weeping so painfully.