We arrived at the chosen place at the far side of the gardens where the keepers had built a pyre.

My heart skipped a few beats as I stared at Thomas, laying so peacefully on it with a white outfit on.

He’d never get to see his sister again or watch her grow up.

That thought broke me as I sobbed, and I turned to Bug, burying my face in his chest as I cried.

Hadley and Diane broke as well, while the guys sniffled but fought to hold themselves together.

Paris and Wayne were strong, standing tall with expressionless faces.

Right. They’d steeled themselves for this life.

“Today, we send off one of our own, Thomas O’Donnell. A brave young man who fought hard until the very end and was there for his fellow comrades. We pray that his courage and willingness to fight the evil on this earth will grant him access into Heaven, where he can find peace,” Dezikiel called out.

I sobbed hard, clutching Bug’s shirt as he held me tight and stroked my hair soothingly. I was grateful all four of my hellhounds were huddled around me, but nothing they could do would ease this pain.

Thomas had died fighting for me. No matter what anyone said, Baal had only come here for me.

But at least Dezikiel said he could have a chance of getting into Heaven. I was sure we were damned because of what we were, but perhaps there was still hope for us.

I prayed he made it up there so he could watch over his sister and smile down on us.

Dezikiel asked if any of us wanted to say a few words, and Matthew and Flynn stepped up, sharing childhood stories before breaking down.

Dylan spoke about how he’d helped him check on his family a few times and how kind he was, while Hadley spoke of how happy he was and helpful. Paris even said a few words, and I could’ve sworn she looked guilty. I wondered if she’d wished she’d given him the chance to date her, to allow him some extra happiness.

They’d covered everything, and I didn’t feel worthy of speaking for him, so I shook my head when Dezikiel asked me if I wanted to say anything.

Instead, he picked up a lit torch, and I pulled away from Bug to watch as the pyre went up in flames.

It flickered and crackled like a new life despite everything, and I stared at Thomas as the flames engulfed him.

Peace. I wanted that for him more than anything.

For all of us.

Creeper stepped closer to my side, slipping his hand in mine and giving it a soft squeeze.

I wanted us all to be free.