I reached out to stroke the silky, soft feathers, awestruck by them as I moved them slowly.

“It looks like your true potential has only just started to awaken,” Dezikiel said as he stepped forward. “I’m sure you have many questions.”

He wasn’t wrong there, I had a ton of questions for him, but I was too caught up in the mesmerizing moment.

He let me have my moment as I rose and twirled around, my wings curling around me.

The other students were awestruck, and I almost forgot everything that had happened until reality came crashing back down and I faced Dezikiel.

“Thomas…” I started, my wings folding up on my back neatly without me even trying.

“Has passed,” Dezikiel nodded. “We thought we’d lost all of you as well. Come, we have much to talk about. All of us,” Dezikiel said as he turned away.

Miss Sage gave me a sad smile, and I spied a man I didn’t recognize standing behind all the students.

Right. I wasn’t sure how long I’d been gone, especially since I’d lost consciousness for a bit there. But at least Dezikiel was back.

I’d see what he had to say.

I needed something to keep my mind occupied after everything.

I clenched my jaw as I withdrew my wings, somehow just knowing how to do that now.

It blew my mind, and yet I seemed to know how to use them naturally, just like breathing.

We all followed Dezikiel into the dining hall in silence, and the uneasiness that settled over us all made my insides churn.

* * *

I sat at the dining table, chewing my cheek as everyone else fell silent.

With the eruption of my wings, I’d regained my strength and some energy, and the aching in my body had died down to a minimal level. I’d accessed a whole other side of me and a deeper power, which I was grateful for.

I’d been gone for half the day, and in that time, Thomas had been collected and was being prepared to be cremated by the keepers. Dezikiel had also returned and restored the wardings on the Academy with the help of his contact, Jophiel, who was also an archangel. This was big news for us, and it explained the return of the keepers. Apparently Dezikiel and Jophiel had used their magic to restore them.

“We were attacked by our own. It’s clear there’s corruption in the High Council, as the angels that came for us intended to wipe us out. Funny that the Academy was then attacked,” Jophiel said as he shook his head in dismay. He had a dark chocolate complexion, was completely bald, and looked more like an accountant in his grey suit than an archangel. “They were clearly after you, Lily Mordov. I understand you left with a Prince of Hell to protect those here. Upon leaving, all the demonic creatures here vanished as well, while your hellhounds went into a rage before slipping through a rip that opened up. Care to tell us where you went and what happened?” he asked as he focused on me. “And perhaps you’d like to share just what you are while you’re at it?”

I stared hard at him as Dezikiel nodded at me to let me know I could trust this stranger.

I swallowed as Bug sat beside me, frantically flicking his rubber band as he stared hard at the table.

“Baal was the Prince who came. He took me to Hell with the intention to sacrifice me to open the gates of Hell. He was draining me, and a gate…rip… thing, started to open. I didn’t want to die, so I summoned whatever power I could. I guess my angelic side shone through and I was able to free myself and destroy Baal. My hellhounds and father came to my rescue when the demons started to swarm me,” I explained, the shocked gasps and bewildered faces around me making me uneasy.

“So you’re part angel, interesting,” Jophiel murmured before he focused on his next question. “Did the gates close?” he asked, a frown darkening his face.

“Yes, it closed up, but some black ghostly things got out. A fair few of them,” I admitted.

“Sounds like demons escaped. I’d inform the High Council, but they’re useless. We’d best just let all the other Academies know to be on alert for extra demon activity,” Jophiel said as he turned to Dezikiel, pausing to glance back at me. “So, Baal is dead then?”

I nodded, and he made a sound of approval.

“So is Gorzaden, and my father,” I said softly, causing the room to fall deathly quiet.

“Your father?” Dezikiel said softly, and I swallowed back the lump in my throat.

“He protected me and gave me an opening to escape. But seeing Gorzaden kill him woke up my full angel powers. I struck him down, blew him into dust too,” I said, my voice breaking as my eyes stung with tears. “My father did mention that when he healed me, he thought he’d awoken my true potential,” I whispered as Bug reached over to rest his hand on mine, while Jack put a comforting hand on my thigh under the table.

“Half angel, half demon. This is something I’ve not dealt with before,” Jophiel said before turning to Dezikiel. “Did you know this?”