I found it freaking adorable as all hell in all honesty. But I could just picture Diane showing him a diagram while he jotted down notes, and the image made me burst into laughter.

They laughed with me, catching my contagious giggles as my face burned.

“Did he take notes?” I managed to rasp out, and Hadley laughed even harder.

“He actually jotted things down in his phone,” Diane burst out between giggles as her cheeks went red.

“Did he work that clit right?” Diane chortled as Hadley snorted and laughed with us, and I managed a nod through my laughter.

We had a good laugh for a few moments until my face hurt, and I wiped the tears from the edges of my eyes.

“Well, we needed that,” Diane giggled. “Glad it went well though.”

“Hey, speaking of, since he did so well with me, what can I do for him?” I asked sheepishly. I mean, I knew what I could do, I just didn’t know… how.

“Ohhhh, right, so there’s hand jobs and blowjobs. Most prefer blowjobs but they’re not going to complain. But since your boys haven’t done anything before, it’ll be interesting. Wonder if hellhound sperm tastes different,” Diane mused at the end. “Same with demonic semen. And what about demon possessed? Especially if it’s a dead vessel. Ew, dead sperm.” She pulled a face at that thought.

“I want to know this too now,” Hadley mumbled as she pulled out her phone.

“What are you doing?” I asked.

“Texting Flynn to ask, and Xander,” she stated casually.

“You can’t ask that!” I hissed.

“Why not? Completely normal,” she said with a smirk, and I groaned.

“Why Flynn?” Diane scrunched up her nose. “Why not any of the others?”

“Because, why not?” Hadley gave Diane a wicked smile at that. “Or I could ask Hershel.”

“You’re a jerk,” Diane grumbled, and I laughed.

“Hey, if you pick either of them, I’m sure you’d like to know what it tastes like,” Hadley stated before she smiled as her phone went off quickly.

“Xander has no idea, he clearly says ‘I have not tasted myself’. As for Flynn… oh wait, he’s replying,” Hadley lit up as Diane peered over her shoulder.

“Aw, that sucks. Not different at all going off Matthew’s words. He said Matthew has had a few flings and has been told he doesn’t taste any different from other guys,” Hadley said with a sigh. “Wonder if that means he hasn’t done stuff either?”

“They’re experimented on, so not demonic born, it’d make sense they taste more normal,” I pointed out. “And you really think Flynn is a virgin? You should’ve asked Hershel.”

“No, I just don’t think he wants Diane knowing he’s been with others. He really likes her,” she said with a devious smile. “I’ll ask Hershel instead.”

“Can we not ask guys what their sperm tastes like?” Diane groaned as she looked up at the sky.

“Too late,” Hadley said. We waited a minute or two before her phone went off.

“Oh, cool, he says it does taste different. More tangy,” Hadley stated thoughtfully. “Guess we’re lucky you like vinegar and lemons and stuff,” she chuckled softly.

“Shut up,” Diane groaned before turning to me. “We’re getting off track here. You probably want to know how to do oral and hand jobs, right?” she said in an attempt to move the conversation back to me.

“Yeah, I guess,” I said as I rubbed my arm nervously.

“Right! Well, lube and spit are your friend. I’m not too big on the spit thing though,” Hadley admitted. “So, for oral I use flavored lube, normal for hand jobs.”

“Guys love it if you swallow too,” Diane said with a wink. “But you don’t have to, you can spit it out or make them finish on you or something. That’s hot too.”

I pulled a face at the thought. It was so sticky, but I guess I’d do what Jack liked.