Igasped as I fell to the ground, tears streaking down my face as Jack knelt down beside me.

“I’m so sorry,” he murmured as he rubbed my back soothingly.

I finally got to meet my father and learn about my mother, only to lose him as well.

I closed my eyes, sobbing as I cursed my very birth inwardly.

I’d barely gotten a chance to know him. And he’d sacrificed himself to give me a chance to escape.

Why me, why was everything happening to me? Why did I have to be some special person? An angel and demon hybrid?

The pain inside me only intensified, and I held my arms against my chest, sobbing as I gasped for air.

God, why was this starting to hurt so much? I thought I’d recovered somewhat.

“Something’s wrong, get her inside,” Jack said quickly as Creeper’s now human arms slid under me and helped lift me up.

I winced, a sudden pain shooting through me like glass and settling in my back.

I cried out as I bowed forward, the splitting pain only increasing as my bones started to crack.

I felt like my shoulder blades were splitting apart, and the pain was indescribable as I screamed out in agony.

Had Gorzaden laid a curse on me before I’d blown him away to dust?

Jack scooped me up into his arms, and I could make out the panicked voices of my other hellhounds, although a ringing had started up in my ears now.

Where were we? Not that it really mattered right now.

I just wanted this excruciating pain to stop.

“Put me down!” I cried out as I arched, my bones shifting in my back.

Something inside me was screaming that I needed to be away from others, that something was about to happen.

Jack hesitated until I snapped at him again, spots dancing in my eyes.

I vaguely thought I heard the voices of the other students, but I couldn’t even make out my surroundings now as Jack set me down.

I curled over, resting my head on the ground as I let out a deafening scream, the pain like nothing before as it felt like my back split apart.

And as quickly as it’d come, the pain vanished, an odd, welcome warmth flooding through me as a calm energy rippled throughout my body and mind.

“Holy hell,” Hadley gasped, and I heard Diane curse under her breath.

I slowly uncurled myself, half-expecting the pain to return with vengeance. Relief flooded through me when no such thing happened, and I found myself sitting in the foyer of the Academy, all the students gathered around me.

Had the rip really opened up on the Academy grounds? No, I had a feeling my father had something to do with that. Rips normally opened up randomly.

Not that I was focused on that now, as something soft brushed my arm.

I turned my head, spotting Dezikiel standing off to my side, but I ignored him as I stared at the black feathers at the edge of my vision.

I stretched, the movement awkward and hesitant, although I somehow knew how to work them.

“You’re an angel,” Paris muttered in disbelief as I spread the large black wings out behind me, testing them out.