“Lily, you are the offspring of a Prince of Hell and a powerful angel. It’s why both angels and demons want you, and why they fear you. My brothers want to use you to open the gates of Hell, and the angels want you dead because of that. But what they don’t know, is something that your mother and I discovered while you were young. Even though your power was dormant inside you, we knew that it could be more powerful than either of us. Your mother returned to heaven while she was pregnant with you to speak with a close friend of hers. A prophet of the Lord, one who was a recluse and hid himself away in heaven, not speaking with the other angels. He informed her that he was certain you could also be the key to closing the gates of Hell. When she returned and told me of this, we decided that was what we wanted. It wouldn’t require a sacrifice like opening them would. And you would end the war that has been waged since time began between angels and demons. You would be a key to a better future for the entire world. You were our blessing, our chance at peace,” he said as he stared out at the wasteland with his back towards me.

Creeper gave me a squeeze as I let all of this sink in. My mother was an angel, and I was the key to ending this war. It was a lot to handle, and all sorts of emotions rolled over me as I struggled to come to terms with it all.

“About midway through your mother’s pregnancy, one of my brothers found me. Astaroth had been looking for me for a very long time. Lucifer wasn’t happy that I’d abandoned my post as a warden of Hell. He’d sent him to retrieve me. I didn’t want to endanger your mother or yourself, so I left with him. I hoped your mother would understand why I wasn’t able to say goodbye. I’d given her the pendant not long after she announced she was pregnant. I wanted to be able to protect her even if I wasn’t around. I’m just grateful they were able to protect you. I didn’t know Astaroth would learn of your existence. I’m still not sure how they discovered that, but he took it upon himself to find you, and destroy you. I tried to stop him but was imprisoned, where I remained for an entire decade before my other brother, Mammom, decided to free me so I could return to my duties. I’d learned while imprisoned about what happened to your mother. How she’d used her angelic grace to take down my brother with her. She had always been an incredibly tough woman,” he said, his voice dropping as he continued to face away from me. His shoulders slumped, and I wondered if he was still pained by the loss of her. How he spoke, he really did seem to have cared about my mother, and I softened towards him.

Everything made sense now. Everything that had been going on, why everyone was after me. I finally had the answers I wanted.

Although I hated them.

I was part angel. My mother had died by using her angel grace to take out a Prince of Hell. I was the key to ending the war.

My mother had died protecting me.

“A few more hours and you should have fully recovered. I siphoned some of my magic into you to restore your own and to heal you. Although, I feel like in doing so, I’ve awakened your true potential. I guess it will show itself in time,” he said as he finally turned back to face me with a sad, pained look.

“What am I meant to do now?” I asked pathetically, shaking my head at the entire situation. It was so much to try to accept, and it was overwhelming.

I was going to be hunted for the rest of my life because of the powers I had and how I was a key that could be used. I hated that. I was a living being, with a mind and feelings of my own.

How was I supposed to end this war anyway?

How did I possibly stand a chance of having a normal life now? Or even just a life as an Everwood hunter? I started to think that that could be a somewhat decent life too, as long as I survived the first five years.

“You will need to end this war in order to save yourself as well,” my father said as he walked over and knelt down before me. He gave me a broken smile as he forced it to reach his eyes, although I could tell he was only trying to hide his own concern. “I’m so happy I got to actually meet you, and I wish I could get to know you better. Something I still can’t believe myself, to be honest. It seems I’m more human than I thought,” he said with a soft chuckle before he sighed. “I cannot return to the surface. I don’t have the power to do so. And I’m sure that all of Heaven’s angels would rain down on me if they sensed my presence again. They’d know that it was for you. What I can do, is send all of you back. Once there, you need to find a way into Heaven, and speak to one of the archangels,” he said as he reached forward and held my arms softly, his eyes searching mine.

“Don’t the angels want me dead?” I said with a shake of my head. I’d be walking into a war-zone if I went to Heaven.

“Not the archangels. Not all of them. The originals, Michael and others, are not a part of the High Council. I know there are a few archangels on the Council, but you’ll want to find an original, as they’re the oldest and strongest. Despite their power and their standing, they’re more or less retired now, living in their own little section of Heaven and not dealing with any of the world’s troubles. I daresay they barely even know what’s been going on or that I even have a child. If you can find them, I’m sure they’d be more than happy to help you figure out how to close the gates to Hell. Completely sealing up the gates would shut down all the rips as well, and no more would tear open. Honestly, if it comes down to it, I’m sure even Lucifer would help. I have tried to speak with him, but my brothers do not allow me to even get close. He has also settled away from his duties in his own little paradise he’s created down here. He is not aware of what has been going on with the rest of us. And I cannot get close enough to inform him. He’s warded himself off from all demons, including us Princes, and left Hell in our hands,” he explained as those blue eyes pulsated with a deep navy.

“Why would the archangels and Lucifer just decide to walk away like that?” I growled in frustration. It sounded like if they were just willing to be a part of everything, none of this would be happening. They could easily get everything back under control.

“They’ve been around a very long time, and after that long, anyone would get tired. They’ve created others, like myself and my brothers, and higher angels, to manage affairs for them. I imagine they all would intend to return to their roles after a few centuries or so of vacation. There is no such thing as complete retirement,” he said as he looked to Creeper and Jack. “Just make sure all of you protect her, no matter what.”

“That’s our job and our purpose,” Creeper stated as he tightened his arms around me.

“We promise,” Jack said firmly as Bug and Chum nodded in agreement.

“Good, now, let’s get you all home. With Baal gone, my brothers will wonder what has happened. They supported his endeavors but stepped aside to let him carry out his plan. They would’ve sensed the opening of the gates before the failure, and they’ll come. They may seek retribution and vengeance, so I will do my best to hold them back. I am stronger than only some of my brothers. Baal was of equal power and strength to me,” he said as he offered me his hand to help me to my feet. “I will protect you how I can, but you must get into Heaven to get help.”

“Okay,” I murmured as I allowed him to help me to my feet. “I wanted to talk to you more. There’s so much I want to know,” I said as I gave him a sad smile. This felt too rushed, I just wanted a bit more time.

“I know, but we don’t have the time. Perhaps I can see you again one day,” he said as he touched my cheek with a tender smile.

We both knew that if I closed the gates fully, there was no such possibility, but neither of us said it.

This would be the one and only time I’d get to ever see him.

Creeper and Jack remained on either side of me, and my father gave us all a nod of approval.

“To think my own daughter has the power to destroy a Prince of Hell. You get that from your mother. She was stronger than any other angel I’d met before,” he said with a soft smile before he stepped away from me. “We must hurry.”

I gritted my teeth as I stepped forward after him, wrapping my arms around him as my heart hammered frantically.

He’d helped me more than he had to, healing me and reaching out. As much as I was uncertain about him because of what he was, he’d still done what he could to help me. To give me a chance.

I had to appreciate his efforts. Not to mention this was goodbye.

I tightened my grip on him as he hugged me back, and I took comfort in his embrace for the brief moment.

I’d never thought I’d meet my dad growing up, and yet here he was.

A Prince of Hell.