Igroaned as I slowly opened my eyes, the voices of my hellhounds reaching my ears.

“You’re awake.”

Creeper leaned over me, smiling softly as he touched my cheek gently, his dark eyes filled with relief.

“I feel like I just got hit by a bus,” I groaned as I let my head fall to the side so I could see my other three hellhounds.

“You used up all your energy and power, I’m surprised you even stayed awake as long as you did,” Jack said as he shuffled closer as well, looking relieved and delighted to see me finally awake.

There were no words to describe how happy I was to see them there.

I swallowed down the lump in my throat as I managed a weak smile.

“Thank you for rescuing me,” I whispered, my voice breaking as tears stung my eyes.

I’d started to really think I was going to die there. That my life was going to be cut short just after I’d had my eyes opened.

Hell, those last few moments, I’d thought they were truly my last despite my father’s words that I was going to be okay.

“That’s our job, remember?” Jack said with a half-smile as he stroked my hair soothingly. The touch made my lower lip tremble, and I couldn’t stop the tears from spilling forth as I cried softly.

Jack murmured soothingly as Creeper hovered over me, his pained, broken gaze focused on me as he pulled me into his arms gingerly to hold me tight.

I clung to him, drawing in his charred scent as I sobbed and sniffled, burying my face in his chest as Jack reached over to continue stroking my hair.

I knew Chum and Bug were hovering nearby too, wanting to comfort me.

I just needed a moment to let my emotions out, to let all my fear and worries pour free.

Creeper held me tight, caressing my back as I managed to slowly calm myself.

I was alive. Everything would be okay now.

I repeated those words to myself until I was able to draw in a few steadying breaths.

I pulled back, glancing around at the others and managing a weak smile, knowing I probably looked like a snotty mess. My body ached, but at least the pain in my chest had ebbed away a lot, and I’d regained the ability to move a bit.

“We’re so glad we made it in time,” Chum said as he gave me a small smile. “You had us really worried there.”

“Sorry,” I apologized to all of them.

“Hey, you’re okay now. That’s all that matters,” Bug stated.

“Everything will be fine, we’ll take care of you,” Creeper promised softly as he kissed my cheek, and I smiled sweetly at him.

I was beyond lucky they’d shown up when they did.

“I honestly didn’t think I’d be seeing Hell anytime soon,” Bug said after a moment, and Chum made a sound in agreement.

Somehow, they’d acquired clothes, and were sitting around me as we sat in what looked like a small cave.

Along with my father.

“How did you four even get here?” I asked as I blinked away the tears that blurred my vision. My throat had constricted again while my chest tightened with the overwhelming emotions that had crashed over me. I sniffled as I wiped at my nose, grimacing at the snot on my arms. At least it wasn’t bloody anymore. No, it looked like someone had taken the time to clean me up.

I rested my hand on Creeper’s chest as his hands caressed my back in an attempt to soothe me. I focused on his warmth and familiar smell to help calm my pounding heart and ease my chaotic emotions.