I drew in a shaky breath as I allowed my power to simmer down, my whole body now aching intensely from the exertion.

Around me, the demons snarled and hissed, crying out in rage and despair as the rip overhead closed up with a thunderous rumble that rocked the ground beneath us.

I’d done it. I’d closed it.

I dropped down to one knee, coughing and tasting blood as I wiped the trickle of crimson from my nose. My whole body felt like it was made of lead, and my arms fell to my sides.

It looked like whatever that power was had taken a toll on me. Either that or the fact that they’d been draining my life away was now revealing its price. It was hard to know which.

But I knew I couldn’t move now. I’d used up everything I had to kill Baal.

I stared around at all the demons that towered over me with utter fury in their eyes.

Were they going to kill me? Would they try to do the ritual again without Baal? Was he even necessary?


The familiar voice made my heart skip a few beats as I swung my head towards it with the tiniest bit of strength and energy I could muster.

Just in time to see Jack take on his hellhound form and tear into the nearest demon.

Relief and gratitude overwhelmed me as my four hellhounds tore down the demons around me as hellfire engulfed their bodies.

I could feel their rage, their hate, and their desperation to save me. They were drawing forth all of their own power to fight off the small army of demons.

I allowed myself to kneel down completely, knowing I was useless now. I’d used whatever power I had left. I had nothing else to give. I had to rely on my hellhounds.

More blood trickled down from my nose, but I couldn’t muster any strength to even wipe it away, hating the dull ache throughout my entire body and the deep pain inside me that made me want to curl up and wail.

A glimpse of white in the ashy wasteland caught my eye, and I focused my gaze on it, just staring as my father made his way through the damned souls and the demons. He waved his hand to the side as some demons rushed him, and they instantly exploded into ash.

My eyes just widened at this, disbelieving just how powerful he was.

How powerful had Baal been? My father had not even pushed himself as he focused on me, like blasting away those demons was like swatting aside a fly.

I struggled to remain in my kneeling position, my whole body now screaming at me as darkness threatened to overtake my vision. I just wanted to collapse and accept the darkness, to drift away from all this.

I’d stopped Baal. The gates weren’t open. I’d done my part.

My hellhounds were slaying all the demons around me, and I wanted to thank them, to hold each one of them and tell them how incredibly grateful I was that they’d come to my rescue. That I wasn’t going to die here.

I wanted them to know how important they were, and to express my deepest gratitude. They’d come at just the right time.

I collapsed forward, miraculously managing to turn my face to the side as I hit the ashy ground with a soft thud. I had no strength left at all now, and even blinking felt hard. The ash was soft beneath my cheek, but it made me choke as it blew up into my face.

“Lily, you’re going to be okay now.”

I couldn’t even look up at my father as he knelt down before me, but I heard the snarling and soft whimpers of my hellhounds as they gathered around me too. They must have dealt with all the demons, but I couldn’t tell. My vision was blurring too much, and my mind had fallen quiet.

“Is she going to be okay?” Jack demanded.

“Yes, she’s going to be just fine. I’ll make sure of it.”

I closed my eyes as I drew in a few shallow breaths, accepting that holding them open was too difficult now.

I felt careful hands roll me onto my side and slip underneath me before lifting me up.

A numbness had settled over me now, all feeling fading away, no more pain or aching, just a sweet nothingness that I was grateful for. I just wanted to succumb to the darkness now that tempted me, beckoning me to let go.

“Everything is going to be just fine.”

With those last words ringing in my ears, I allowed myself to plunge into the darkness, welcoming the sheer nothingness with open arms.