Baal and the demons began chanting, their voices rising up around me like something from a horror scene. It chilled me to the bone, and I whimpered as something flickered inside me. It was as if something had slithered inside my core, worming through me like a foul tendril of darkness to draw the life from my being. I gasped as I felt it sucking the life from me, sending waves of agony and despair through me. They were going to kill me. This magic was devouring my life force to open the gates, draining my own power and magic.

I strained against the chains, hating the terrifying sensation of having my life slowly drawn from me, every fiber of my body crawling with the strange rippling sensation.

The demons danced around me with wild, fiery eyes, all their voices mingling together as I cried out in despair, wailing and fighting my bindings.

I didn’t want to die. I wasn’t ready, there was too much I still wanted to do with my life. I didn’t want to lose my hellhounds. If I died, would I ever see them again? Would they be able to find me? I’d become a damned soul, so surely they would be able to come to Hell and be with me? They were hellhounds, this was where they came from.

I clung to that thought with the last thread of hope that I had. Maybe even in death I wouldn’t lose them.

I drew in ragged breaths as I arched, desperate to free myself as I felt my life slowly slip away. I was losing the ability to struggle and fight though, my body starting to become heavy and leaden.

My blood ran cold as a strange red rip appeared in the air above me, flickering like an electrical tear that crackled to life. It was whipping up the air around me, and the freezing fear tore through me as it slowly opened like a gaping mouth filled with a swirling redness.

Was this the gates of Hell opening? Why had I been picturing actual gates?

I cried out as a wave of pain washed over me and I ground my teeth together, every nerve-ending on fire. It felt like shards of glass were coursing through my veins, slicing me open from within as I screamed in agony.

Black shadows began to flicker all around me, shooting up through the rip that pulsated overhead, like it was funneling the demons out.

Baal and the demons’ chanting only increased as they looked to the rip with utter delight and triumph. It was definitely the gate opening, and with my death, it would lock open, allowing them all to spill through onto earth.

I could feel myself grow weaker by the second, my body struggling to fight now as the life was drained from me.

It wouldn’t be long before I couldn’t move at all, and I withered away to nothing.

Tears streaked down my cheeks as I strained against my chains desperately in one final attempt, willing forth any magic within me in hopes of saving myself.

Baal’s wicked chanting echoed through my mind as I blinked through my tears, something extremely powerful waking up within me, filling me with a flickering warmth and lightness.

I couldn’t die here. I wouldn’t allow him to open the gates of Hell.

I had to save everyone.

I screamed, the sound piercing the air and burning my throat as an indescribable magical energy surged through me. It was warm and welcome, and yet stronger than anything I’d ever felt before, and I allowed it to take over me.

Everything changed in that instant, and it was like I was watching as an onlooker, not controlling my own movements.

I tore my chains off as I sat up, throwing my hands out to the sides as I bared my teeth in a snarl. A golden-white energy wave rippled out from me and blasted all the demons back with ease, some of them disintegrating from the powerful shockwave.

“No! This isn’t possible!” Baal shouted as he lurched towards me, fury flashing in those wicked eyes as his clawed hands sought to capture me once more. He looked like a wild, terrifying thing from my nightmares, his face twisted with rage.

But he wouldn’t stop me now.

I screamed again as I held both palms out towards him, the same energy erupting out of me like a beam of light.

Baal’s shrieks sliced through the air as the light engulfed him, and I gritted my teeth as I focused all my power on destroying him.

I would not let him have his way—I would take him down with me if I had to.

This gate would not open.

Baal’s screams reached an ear-splitting pitch, but I still didn’t let up. I wanted him gone. Completely erased from existence.

The energy that flowed through me was warm and comforting, and filled me with a strange calmness much like my focus.

I just watched as he exploded before me, vanishing into the air like the nothing that he was.