I flicked my gaze around at all the damned souls that were just standing by, like withered, broken trees, just watching, waiting.

I had to escape, I couldn’t allow this to happen.

Baal’s grip on me was unfaltering, and I knew pulling away wasn’t an option. The one thing I did know, was that the more I could drag this out, the more time it would give me to slowly replenish a little bit of my power. If I could just use a little bit of my hellfire and focus, perhaps I’d have a chance of getting away.

I steadied my breathing as Baal dragged me up the stairs before the stone circle. The demons around us were chittering away with unrestrained excitement as they focused on me. So many fiery eyes bore into me, and I fought not to let their unwavering gazes throw me off.

My shoes dragged on the stone stairs, and I wished Baal would loosen his vice-like grip just a little as I struggled after him.

As we reached the top, Baal pulled me forward into the ring of red boulders, sighing as he gazed around the circle. A large black stone lay in the center like an altar, and a chill ran through my body at the sight. My stomach coiled as my chest tightened, and I let out a hiss of air.

I would be sacrificed on it. I already knew that with only one look.

How would it open the gates of Hell though? From here I couldn’t see anything, just the great expanse of the ashy wasteland and black trees with some stone mountains on the horizon.

I wasn’t sure what I expected Hell to be, but this wasn’t exactly what I had pictured. I’d expected more fire and screaming, souls begging for mercy while the devil danced.

I glanced around cautiously, expecting to see the other Princes of Hell as well.

“Where’s my father?” I asked as Baal lifted one hand to silence the chaotic demons.

“My brothers have handled him, don’t you worry. Our father wouldn’t allow us to kill him, but we needed him out of the way. I lied when I said you may get a chance to see him,” Baal stated as he beckoned for a few of the demons to come forth, giving me a horrid smirk. “Never trust a demon. You should know that.”

My heart jumped at this. I was completely alone here.

It looked like having my father rescue me was out of the question then. I only had the one option left. But I knew without trying that I still hadn’t regained enough strength to bring forth my hellfire without losing consciousness. That would defeat the whole purpose. I needed to be able to run away.

“Get her ready,” Baal stated with a wave of his hand as he released my arm.

The demon that had been walking with us clapped his hands joyfully as he and the other demons reached out for me. I struggled against them as they latched onto me, their wicked claws piercing my skin and drawing blood with ease. They were strong and unrelenting, their hands wrapping around my limbs and easily lifting me into the air as I shouted and fought against them to no avail. They carried me over to the altar, and I cried and cursed them as they lifted me up onto it, their clawed hands tearing my clothing as I struggled in vain. I called them every foul name under the sun as they chained me down, my wrists aching painfully at the tightness of the cool iron chains.

“What are you going to do when the gates open?” I cried out, hoping to buy just a little bit more time.

“Complete and utter chaos. Isn’t that obvious? We’re going to bring about the apocalypse. The world as you know it will be in ruins. Demons will take over, and we will build a better world for us. Where we can torture, maim, and kill as we see fit. Doesn’t that sound like a brilliant world?” He boomed out, sending his demons into a frenzy as they cried out and cheered.

How could that be their only purpose? I’d read so much about demons, about how damned souls would slowly become one. Other times, damned souls became demons almost instantly. In very rare cases, like Xander’s, they would retain their souls. A strange power would kick them back out onto earth as a demon with a soul was not seen as being fit for Hell.

Where was Lucifer anyway? He was the one in charge of keeping the damned souls and demons in Hell. That was his duty, the task given to him by God himself.

I wasn’t too sure just how much I believed in this God, despite knowing that there were angels out there. Mentions of him in our history books were vague, and it sounded like he tended not to get involved.

Surely, he would know what was going on here, and would step in to stop the apocalypse.

“Let go of me!” I screamed as the demons tested my chains, making sounds of approval as they stepped away. The black stone was strangely warm beneath my back, and I strained against my restraints, wincing as they dug into my wrists and ankles.

“It’s no use, darling. I know what you’ve been doing. You’ve been trying to gather your strength by dragging this out and asking questions. But I’ll tell you right now, those chains dampen any demonic power. You won’t be able to use your hellfire here or any other kind of ability you have. So, you may as well stop struggling and accept what’s coming,” Baal stated cruelly as he strode over and gave me a wicked grin as he tapped my chains. He looked so utterly pleased, like he’d just revealed a horrid joke as my stomach knotted.

My breath caught as I gritted my teeth, dread and dismay washing over me. No. Please no. This couldn’t happen.

I had to escape.

I screamed out my frustrations, begging my power to come to my aid.

Baal just laughed, a sound that rocked me to my core as I fought against my chains for my life.


I had to escape.

I couldn’t let him open the gates.

I wouldn’t.