I drew in raspy breaths as I leaned on him while he moved me back towards the Academy. What were we going to do now? I couldn’t fight any more, but at least I’d saved Bug. The rest of us were running out of ammo, and using only daggers was not going to save us.
We would die.
Pain had engulfed my body now, along with an ache like no other, but it was nothing compared to that realization.
We were not going to see another day.
I’d overexerted myself, and I knew that if I tried to draw on any more power, I wouldn’t be able to stay conscious. Hell, it might even kill me.
Everything moved slowly as I rolled my eyes around to glimpse the others fighting. I watched as Thomas fell to the ground, a creature tearing into him as Hadley and Diane screamed, unable to get to him to save him. They were fighting off a dozen medium-sized creatures while magical chains held down a giant one.
Flynn tried to rush to his aid, but a winged creature struck him down, shrieking in triumph. Thankfully, Matthew was there in a second, driving his dagger into the head of the creature as it clawed Flynn’s arm open while he cried out.
I watched as he screamed, but no sound reached my ears as I looked back to Thomas, whose head had rolled to the side now. There was no life left in those sweet brown eyes as the creature continued tearing his chest into ribbons. It seemed to be enjoying ripping him apart as its claws splattered his crimson blood all around.
I was frozen in place, my hands shaking as I just stared at him, unable to believe what I was seeing as I struggled to breathe.
This couldn’t be happening. We couldn’t all die here. We’d barely had a chance to live.
I drew forth my focus power, willing my vision to clear somewhat as I moved away from Xander despite his protests. He was still looking at Thomas though, clearly in shock as well.
“Stop this, please!” I screamed, only now aware of the tears rushing down my cheeks as I collapsed to my knees once more, unable to remain standing any longer.
I stared up at the Prince as he sneered down at me from where he floated overhead.
He glided over all of his creatures as he waved for them to cease and gave the order to halt.
My heart hammered as I watched him float down to land before me, giving me a wicked grin as he towered over me.
He didn’t look anything like my father, not with his golden blond hair that was spiked up at the front, and stunning emerald eyes that practically glowed. He barely looked any older than twenty-five. Which one of the Princes was he anyway? Was he Baal? The Prince of Hell that was after me? I had a sneaking suspicion he was.
“Will you come with me willingly?” he asked as he clasped his hands together behind his back and leaned over me.
I ground my teeth together, catching sight of my hellhounds in my peripheral vision as they headed my way. Bug was struggling after them with a limp. How hurt was he anyway?
“If I go with you, will you let my friends live?” I asked as I clenched my fists and ignored the cries of protest from my friends and teachers. I pursed my lips and ignored the frantic snarls of my hellhounds as they desperately tried to reach me.
“They’ve taken down quite a few of my beasts, which I’m not too happy about. But, since I’m a nice guy like that, I’ll spare them if you come with me now,” he said, his wicked grin widening as he cocked his head at me with intrigue.
I gazed over at Thomas, my heart wrenching at the sight. The creature that had slain him stood over him, drenched in his blood, uncaring as it just waited for a new command.
The sight made me sick to my stomach. Thomas’ chest was just a gory mess now, and I had to force myself to look away.
He had died because of me. This was my fault.
“Okay, I’ll go with you if you stop all of this,” I ground out, closing my eyes as I blocked out the bestial cries of my hellhounds.
I had to do this. I had to protect everyone. I would not let anyone else die today, not for me.
I would end this right now.
“Lily!” Xander shouted from behind me, and I opened my eyes, blinking through the blurriness of my unshed tears. I knew he wanted to stop me, but he couldn’t. I’d made up my mind.
If I was to die to save them, then so be it.
“Well, I guess we can put an end to all this. It’s nice to finally meet you in person, Lily. You can call me Baal,” the Prince of Hell said as he offered me his hand.
I stared at his outstretched hand, my heart hammering as my blood ran cold. I was terrified as Baal stood over me, his green eyes glinting as he grinned down at me.