“Lily Mordov!”

A shudder ran down my spine as the thunderous voice called out my name.

I turned to Xander, sharing a terrified look with him that he returned before I spun towards the voice. I searched through the mass of dark, shadowy creatures closing in, seeking out the speaker.

My eyes flicked up to the strange man floating in the air in a blood-red suit as he outstretched his arms.

My breath caught at the sight, and I instantly knew that he was a Prince of Hell like my father. I could just feel the power he held, the darkness inside him. The strength and wickedness.

Was he the one behind these attacks? Then why were these creatures part angelic as well?

“Diane, Hadley, can you clear a path or not?!” Miss Sage cried out as she continued striking down creatures, black blood splattered all over her skin and clothes.

The sisters were struggling as they used their magic to clear away all the creatures that blocked our path. But even with their combined efforts, they were struggling. More and more of the creatures were dropping down from the sky and appearing from around the garage.

There was no way we were going to be able to get to it.

I looked around in a panic, watching as the guys and hellhounds fought onwards, fending off the creatures as best they could. My hellhounds were faring well, but not so much for the others.

Thomas had run out of ammo and had resorted to using his dagger as he slashed at the creatures around him, striking them down and dodging claws and teeth as they tried to swarm him.

Flynn and Matthew were back-to-back, and Matthew look like he was about to run out of ammo as well, while Flynn was down to his dagger too.

Dylan, Hershel, and Xander were spread out around me, firing the last of their bolts and bullets into the sky to take down the flying monsters.

Miss Sage was hacking away with her sword, moving gracefully with such skill and dexterity that I would have been in awe of it if it wasn’t for the situation we were currently in.

“Now Lily, is this any way to treat family?” The Prince of Hell cried out before laughing as his creatures continued to swarm around us.

We couldn’t hold them at bay, and I wanted so badly to try to draw my hellfire forth to save us. I was the only one who could possibly give us a fighting chance.

I focused on my power once more, struggling to pull forth my hellfire this time. I winced as the pain started up in my chest, a deep ache taking over my body as it argued, my demonic essence drained.

I couldn’t do it.

“Shit,” I muttered as I tightened my grip on my dagger. It was all I could use now, since I could at least access my focus ability. I could still fight. This wasn’t over.

I shot forth, focusing on the nearest grounded creature as I dropped down to one knee to dodge its clawed hand before I drove my dagger into its chest. I didn’t even wait for it to disintegrate as I moved onto the next one, relaxing as I allowed myself to flow with the movements. My heartbeat calmed, and I let my unique power take over. I had to fight. This was all I could do now.

I launched over another creature, slamming my dagger into its head before yanking it back out while I landed. I shot off towards the next, drawing in steady breaths as my body moved with a mind of its own, my sneakers pounding softly on the earth.

I faltered as a series of yelps and whimpers reached my ears, making my chest tighten as my focus was drawn away from the task at hand.

My blood ran cold as I spun towards the sound, fear coursing through me as I spied Bug pinned under the foot of one of the large creatures. Jack, Creeper, and Chum, all rushed to his aid, launching at the creature with teeth bared. They tore into it, working together to try to rescue Bug as he struggled beneath its large, clawed foot, shrieking as it crushed him slowly.

I couldn’t lose him. I couldn’t just watch as he was crushed to death, whimpering and howling in distress.

I cried out, willing the last of my hellfire forth no matter the cost. I commanded it to destroy the creature that was trying to kill Bug, the fear of it snuffing him out compelling me.

The pain seared within my chest as the golden-white fire exploded forth, shooting across the area and striking the large creature hard. I fell to my knees, gasping as I clutched at my chest, a hint of relief washing over me as the monster screeched and stumbled backwards, clawing at its flaming body.

Bug was freed, and he scrambled away, limping and looking injured as he watched the creature stumble before it fully disintegrated.

My chest was tight and heavy, and something deep inside me felt depleted and past its limit, something that made every fiber of my being suddenly lethargic.

My vision blurred as I gritted my teeth once more, and I was vaguely aware of Xander beside me.

I couldn’t quite make out his words over the ringing in my ears, but his arm slipped around my waist as he helped me back to my feet. I struggled to find my footing as he aided me, but my vision swam as I gasped for air.