Istood outside on the Academy grounds, drawing in shaky breaths as I watched my four hellhounds fight as hard as they could.

They were working together to bring down as many of the creatures as possible.

Wayne and Paris were appearing and disappearing all over the place as they took out as many as they could while the rest of us turned towards the garage.

Miss Sage faltered as she cursed. Dozens of those ghastly shadowy creatures surrounded the garage, although these ones looked different to the first wave we’d dealt with.

Why were they different? Was it just a stronger second wave, or a completely new attack? That second thought made me shudder with unease.

These ones had extra legs mainly, and some were awfully tall and lanky with spindly limbs. A part of my mind briefly drew a resemblance to the Slender Man, and I gritted my teeth. They were quite terrifying to see, but I squashed down my unease.

Hell, some of them even had damn bat wings and were fluttering overhead as they shrieked at us. Their glowing red eyes made my skin crawl as they swooped around with gaping mouths, thick grey tongues lolling out as they cried out and clawed at my fellow students with their wretched talons.

I swore as one of the creatures spotted me. It’s blood-red, beady eyes lit up as it shrieked, a sound that rang through my ears and made me flinch. It had four back legs, while its four bat wings looked like they could be used as hands too, considering the little clawed hooks on the ends and the shape of the wings. Shit.

It swooped down, its tail whipping around behind it as it let out that wretched shriek again.

Its back legs reached out, those talons opening up with the intent to tear me apart. I quickly focused on the power deep within me as I drew in a calming breath. I could deal with this wicked creature. I could fight with more than just my hellfire. I found the power deep inside and dragged it forth as my heartbeat steadied and I took up a defensive stance. The hilt of the dagger was warm against the palm of my hand, and I flipped it over, holding it at the ready as the wicked beast cried out once more, those lethal talons glinting as it drew in close.

Everything slowed down for that brief moment, and I let out a soft breath I’d been holding as I pushed off the ground with my back foot, driving myself up to meet the horrid creature. I slashed my dagger upwards, burying it between the rib bones of the monster. I didn’t hold back as the dagger sunk into its dark, leathery flesh, piercing through as black blood oozed around the blade.

It shrieked as it tore away from me, and I clung to my blade as the beast yanked free, black blood gushing from its wound as it cried out and writhed. Its various limbs clawed around it as it convulsed on the earth, unable to take flight. It exploded into smoke, the putrid ash raining down all around me. I coughed and sputtered as I shook my head, the ash choking me momentarily. I waved it away from my face, preparing myself for whatever else may come my way.

Xander was beside me in an instant, firing arrows up at the fluttering creatures overhead while Mr. Baron shot at them.

Bullets whizzed through the air, and I felt only the slightest hint of relief as some of the wretched creatures disintegrated overhead.

But they were only few compared to all those still soaring around and crying out, and my heart dropped.

We didn’t have any chance in hell of dealing with these, even with all the weapons.

As I rolled my gaze over the Academy grounds, whatever shred of hope I’d clung to was quashed. There had to be over a hundred of them easily.

No, make that two hundred. And there was a shit ton of large monsters, these ones awfully similar to Charlie’s one. They were lumbering across the grounds, snarling and looking like the things of nightmares.

The cries and screeches of all the creatures filled the air, along with gunshots and the whizzing of bolts striking the creatures hard.

Even if I could draw my hellfire forth, I doubted it would make much difference.

Even more of the creatures were pouring over the Academy walls, and I could see more flying in from the distance.

I vaguely wondered if anyone else outside the Academy’s warding could see them as well.

Not that that was my main concern right now.

I struck down a six-limbed creature that stood a few feet over me that had gotten close, and Xander shot down another one headed our way.

We were horribly out-numbered. My stomach churned as fear crept over me, gripping me tight. Sickness washed over me as I gasped, flicking my gaze around me wildly.

We stood no chance, no matter how hard we fought.

Despite my hellhounds tearing through the smaller ones and the other students fighting with all they had, I knew, deep down, we’d lose.

We couldn’t possibly win this.

But we had to try. I would not just roll over and die.