“I know, they’re both super sweet too. But I know if I pick one, the other will be upset,” Diane groaned.

“Shame there’s not more girls here for them. Thomas is hung up on Paris, although she won’t give him the time of day. She’s always so quiet,” Hadley pointed out.

I’d spoken to Paris on occasion, and she was very short answered. I didn’t think I’d seen anyone hold a full conversation with her. She was always off on her own or with Wayne. Wayne was much more talkative, but even he didn’t really hang with any of the students often. He engaged more if we were all in the leisure room together.

“And you’re already spoken for, and the other guys know that,” Hadley winked at me. “I heard a rumor that you even went all the way with Jack,” she hissed, and Diane beamed at me as my cheeks burned.

I flicked my gaze to my hellhounds as they sparred, praying they weren’t listening. Had Jack told the others we’d been together like that?

“Let’s talk somewhere else,” I said quickly, knowing full well they were going to bombard me with questions.

“Okay,” Diane bounced up off the seat as she grinned over at my hellhounds.

“We’re going somewhere to have a girl talk,” I called out to them, causing them both to stop their sparring. “I’ll be safe, I’m with two powerful witches,” I said with an eye roll, knowing they weren’t happy about leaving me alone.

I’d not been left alone for even a minute since the whole Charlie thing. I was surprised they didn’t climb in the damn shower with me too.

Jack nodded before he turned back and took up the sparring with Creeper, and I strode off with the sisters as they giggled and spoke in hushed tones.

There was no way out of this, but I actually did want to tell them about my night with Jack.