A sense of utter power filled me as I manipulated my fire, completely in sync with it as it obeyed my every command. I would not be useless ever again like I was with Charlie. I’d protect myself now.

I flicked my gaze as I felt other presences, and I spied Diane and Hadley as they entered the training area and stood with Creeper and Jack to watch.

They looked awestruck as they stared at my fire with fascination.

My arms were starting to grow heavy though, and I could feel my power sapping me, exhausting me despite the brief hellfire session. I pursed my lips in frustration. With practice I would grow and be able to wield it longer, but I wasn’t going to push myself too much right now.

I banished my flames away as I turned to the others and smiled at them cheerily.

I strode over to join them, and Jack nodded proudly at me before he stepped forward and gave me a warm hug.

I melted into his arms as I drew in his charred scent and allowed his warmth to relax me.

“You’re getting better so quickly,” he stated, and Creeper made a sound of agreement as he crossed his arms.

“Thanks, it’s draining though,” I admitted as I pulled back to glance at the sisters. They both beamed at me, and I gave them a grin in return. Too bad I felt like I suddenly needed a nice long nap.

“I know, but it’ll get easier eventually and you will be able to maintain it for longer,” Jack assured me.

“We’re going to practice our combat too now, if that’s okay,” Creeper spoke up tentatively.

“Okay, I’m done anyway. I’ll sit with Diane and Hadley,” I said as the pair strode over to where I’d just been training and stripped their shirts off.

All three of us girls just stared, practically drooling over their toned builds.

“Damn, you have some fine specimens there,” Diane said with a dramatic sigh as she fanned herself. “You need to learn to share,” she added jokingly with a wink.

“I’ve seen the other guys with their shirts off, they all look hot as hell,” I noted as Diane pursed her lips and nodded in agreement.

“I know, but I want a man who will do anything for me like your hellhounds. Let me be jealous,” she chuckled as she glanced over at Hadley. “At least she has Connor,” she added with a smirk.

“Hey, I’m sure any of the guys here would be up for dating you, you’re fine as hell,” I pointed out, causing the pair of them to laugh.

“I don’t know, what if we break up? That’ll make things weird since we’ll see each other constantly,” Diane said as she frowned while mulling it over.

“Nothing risked, nothing gained,” Hadley said with a shrug.

“Hey, your man is human, we’re not meant to even do that,” Diane shot back.

“Wait, what?” I arched a brow at this. It was a rule?

“Being demonic and being hunted all the time means we have to give up everything really. Dating other demonics is okay, but we need to understand that with what we are, we could die easily. Dating humans is frowned on because they can never really know about us. And if a hunter or demon or whatever finds out, they can use them against us,” Diane explained as Hadley’s face fell. “You can never fully open up to them and connect on a deeper level.”

They’d never really told me that in all the times Hadley had spoken about Connor. She didn’t seem to be head over heels crazy for him, but she did like him a lot and spoke fondly of him.

“I know, but it just happened. I know I should break it off eventually, but I just want to enjoy it a bit longer,” Hadley said with a sad sigh, and my heart squeezed for her.

I understood why it was frowned upon though. But Hadley spent many weekends with him, and I knew they were already quite close.

“Did you mean for it to become a serious thing?” I asked carefully.

“No, and it isn’t really. Although, I know he thinks it is, and I’m feeling like it’s becoming something. He hasn’t asked me to be his girlfriend or anything, but we’ve slept together, and he’s not seeing anyone else,” Hadley admitted before she steeled her face. “If he asks to take it to the next step, I’ll break it off. It’s too risky, and I knew that when I jumped in. I will just enjoy it for now until I can’t any longer.”

I just stared at her firm expression. How could she be okay with that? Wouldn’t it hurt badly? I couldn’t imagine what it would be like, to be in a relationship knowing it was going to have to end. And yet, I understood why she wasn’t ready to give it up too.

Her face softened as she turned to Diane and smiled. “Doesn’t Flynn have a thing for you? I see how he looks at you, as does Hershel.”

I smiled, glad she’d shifted the topic away from herself, but I still felt sorry for her.