Istood in the training area, my chest heaving. I’d spent quite some time controlling Xander, and Mr. Baron had already headed inside. He’d determined that I was not going to hurt Xander, and that I could be left alone with him to continue practicing.

I told him to tell me once he was through or if he needed a break. He’d agreed, and had willingly been my puppet for the last God knows how long. At least an hour or so.

“You’re getting really good at this, clearly. I’m not gonna lie, it feels really freaking weird for someone to be controlling my movements. I’m not even thinking anything and my body is reacting and doing as you wish,” Xander said as he bent over and rested his hands on his knees. Even he had worked up quite a sweat, my manipulation having taken a toll on him. I had a feeling he wouldn’t tell me if it got to be too much. It was time to call it quits though, for the both of us.

The fact that he trusted me not to hurt him had touched me, and I smiled at him gratefully.

“Thank you for trusting me, and for letting me practice on you. You put a lot of faith in me there, we had no idea this was really going to go, now did we?” I said with a smirk as I stretched my arms, drawing in ragged breaths.

It had really worn me out for some reason.

“I knew you wouldn’t hurt me. Besides, you had to learn somehow. I couldn’t do anything to help the other night, so this is how I wanted to help you. And of course I have faith in you, this academy is my home, and you are a part of my family here,” he said as he shook out his arms and legs with a scrunched up face.

I smiled, glad that he felt that way, and my stomach fluttered at how he thought of us all as family.

It really was like that here, we only had one another now.

It was definitely strange controlling someone like that though. But I could feel it, I could feel his darkness as I reached out. The demon side of him.

Manipulating him had turned out not to be as difficult as I had expected. Sure, it wasn’t a walk in the park, but I figured it out fairly quickly to everyone’s surprise.

Especially my own.

When I focused, I’d drawn forth that special power Jack had helped me connect with, the one that had helped me master things faster before.

“So, are we calling it a day now?” Xander asked as he gave me a worn smile while wiping the sweat from his brow.

“Yes, I think I’m spent for the day. Thank you, again,” I said as he straightened and stretched as well.

“Stop thanking me. I didn’t really do anything except stand here,” he said with a laugh as he shook his head.

Before I could ask him what he wanted to tell me earlier, Bug strode over to join me. Xander waved before he headed back inside, leaving me alone with my hellhound.

Chum had headed off with Miss Sage when she’d come out earlier, and I wondered what they’d headed off to do.

“That was amazing. I can’t believe how quickly you caught on to that, controlling him that well,” Bug said as he shook his head in disbelief.

“I didn’t really do all that much. Just moved his arms and made him take a few steps. I won’t exactly be turning him into a soldier any time soon, wielding a sword and throwing punches. It was hard enough just getting him to take a few steps,” I stated as I rubbed my temple.

I was quite exhausted actually, the session having drained me more than I thought.

He slipped his hand in mine, and I smiled softly as he grinned down at me.

“Trust me, that was quite a feat. Even Mr. Baron thought so. You had so much control, especially considering it was your first go at it. We were all impressed,” he said as he started leading me back inside the Academy. Pride filled his voice, and I just grinned, enjoying his doting. I was proud of my abilities too, especially today. If only I’d awoken them more the other night. Well, at least I could use them now.

I drew in his slightly charred scent as I enjoyed his closeness and his warmth as we walked.

“I’m actually rather tired though, do you think I have enough time for a small nap before lunch?” I asked as I stifled yawn.

“Of course, I’ll come read beside you and wake you up for lunch,” he said warmly as he gave my hand a soft squeeze.

I smiled tenderly at our interlocked hands, squeezing his back and loving the grin he gave me.

How was I so lucky to have my four hellhounds? I’d really hit the jackpot with them. They were all so sweet, kind, caring, and just downright perfect to me.

We walked back in silence to my room, where I plopped onto the bed and closed my eyes immediately. God, the bed felt so welcoming and cozy right now as I buried my face into a pillow and sighed.