Itook Lily’s hand in mine as we headed down the hall with Xander in tow.

I wasn’t too sure what Mr. Baron wanted, but I had a feeling it had something to do with her training.

I enjoyed the feel of her small, soft hand in mine, and she smiled sweetly as I deliberately brushed my shoulder against hers.

I hoped she’d be feeling up for another make-out session. I quite enjoyed those, perhaps even more now that I’d done my research with Dylan and gotten tips. The thought made heat sweep through my body.

I forced it away as quickly as it had come, focusing on the task at hand. Besides, she had a lot on her mind anyway.

Even if I wondered about this whole sex thing and what it could feel like.

Both Lily and Xander were quiet as we headed outside to the training area, where Mr. Baron and Chum were waiting patiently.

“Great, you found them. Perfect,” Mr. Baron said as he clasped his hands together and smiled brightly.

At least it wasn’t too warm today, and I glanced up at the blue sky blotted with a few fluffy clouds.

I could certainly sit down and jot down some more ideas and such for my book.

Chum nodded at us in acknowledgement and grinned as Lily gave him a wave. I released her hand as I headed over to join him and dropped down on the grass beside him.

“Lily, with everything that’s going on, and your sudden prowess with your hellfire, I think it’s time to move on to some of your other powers,” Mr. Baron said as he looked between the pair. “Xander, I wanted to ask if you may be willing to help with that.”

“How can I help with that?” Xander asked in confusion.

“Well, I’m fairly certain that Lily can control lower class demons. I was hoping perhaps you would be her test subject. It could be risky though as we don’t quite know how her power works or manifests. So, I completely understand if you’re not up for it,” Mr. Baron said quickly as his hands fell to his sides and his expression turned serious.

Well, this would certainly be interesting to watch. My book ideas would have to wait. Although I doubted anyone would want to nominate themselves for something that could be risky. I wouldn’t be too enthusiastic about letting someone control me.

“Yes, I’ll do it,” Xander said without hesitation, which surprised me.

Why was he so willing to help? I’d always felt like he was one of the good guys though. I couldn’t explain why or how, but I trusted him, and I liked him. And it seemed Lily did too. Still, we had no idea what the risks would be with this type of ability.

Lily turned to him in shock and shook her head quickly.

“No, I won’t risk accidentally hurting you. Like he said, we have no idea how my power even works. I’ve never even tried to use it. I’d hate myself if I hurt you,” Lily blurted, her voice hitching with fear and unease, causing my chest to tighten. Even Chum leaned forward at her distress.

“It’ll be okay, Lily. I trust you, besides, what’s the worst you could do to me? This body that I inhabit is already dead, remember? You could break its bones or make it bleed, but I would still be able to manipulate it. You know how possession works. This is just a shell, any injuries it sustains are masked while I inhabit it. I’ll be okay, besides, how else will you learn? I highly doubt there’s a bunch of demons willing to offer themselves up,” Xander said with a smirk before it morphed into a reassuring smile.

“I still think it’s too risky,” Lily muttered as she frowned at him uncertainly.

How would her power work anyway? I’d never seen anything like it in action before. But I had read about it. From my understanding, she could puppeteer them, bend them to her will.

“Xander is prepared to help. I’m here as well, so I can call it off if I think he’s in any danger. Xander, just tell me if you’re in any sort of pain or want to stop,” Mr. Baron said firmly.

Lily still looked unwilling to practice on him.

“It’ll be okay,” Xander assured her. “Just take it slow and I’ll let you know if anything feels too wrong.”

“Ugh, fine.” She finally caved in, and Mr. Baron clapped his hands. I knew she was probably curious as well as to how this power worked.

“Right, let’s get down to it then. Lily, the best way I can explain it is to focus on Xander and feel his darkness, his demon side, and try to manipulate it. Close your eyes if you have to and find his demon essence. Once you’ve locked onto it, use your mind to try to control it. Start with something small and easy. Make him take a step or lift his arm up, just something against his will. Xander, to avoid it being painful, try not to fight it. If you fight it, it’s more likely to cause you pain and distress,” Mr. Baron said as Lily and Xander turned to face one another fully.

Chum and I leaned forward and pulled our knees up in front of us to watch it all unfold.