“Pretty average actually. Brown hair, brown eyes, fairly fit too. I used to do gym a lot,” he said with a sharp laugh before he smiled at me. “I used to play a lot of computer games, was a bit of a nerd actually. I still do play them, sometimes even with Dylan since he is quite the gamer on PC.” His smile softened as he looked down at his hands. “I used to watch anime too, but I won’t lie, I was quite the player back then. Never had a proper girlfriend or anything, I was too focused on just... well, having fun, I guess,” he mumbled as he shook his head. “Considering it cost me my life, I’ve definitely changed my ways. And sometimes I wonder if it would’ve been nice to have had a relationship that was meaningful and real. Maybe I can one day find that still,” he said, his mouth quirking into a thoughtful smile. “Do you think that’s possible for a demon?”

“Why not? I’m in a relationship with four hellhounds. You’re really asking the wrong person,” I said with a soft laugh. “I honestly think anything is possible. Although, speaking of relationships, I feel a bit bad for Hadley. She’s worried her and Connor are getting too serious. Apparently, a relationship with a human is too much with the work we do. It’s too risky,” I said sadly. I wasn’t sure why I brought it up, but I felt like he would like feeling like he was still a part of the crew. And Hadley’s current boyfriend was no secret either.

“Yeah, I was wondering about that. She seems quite fond of him, tends to talk about him. I actually thought they were already pretty serious,” he said with a shake of his head. “With this line of work and what we are, relationships are tough. I think you’re lucky with your hellhounds.”

I smiled, definitely feeling quite lucky. He was right, as I’d learned with Hadley, relationships were a tough one for us demonics. Love was an important thing, and I hoped everyone else could find it somehow.

They deserved it. It gave us hope, and only added to our lives. Even if they were supposedly only going to be short. That made it even more important to find and cling to.

That was how I felt anyway.

“How are you feeling anyway? I heard the whole Charlie crap gave you nightmares. Hell, I think it scared everyone. Most of us couldn’t even fight that creature he summoned. I’m just glad Dezikiel was there. I can’t imagine how it would’ve gone down if he wasn’t,” he said as a deep furrow marred his brow.

“I’m fine, the nightmares have stopped the last few days thankfully. But ever since my hellfire changed, I feel like I’ve gotten stronger and have more control. I’m lifting heavier weights and just feel more stable, more confident in my movements,” I said with a small frown. I still didn’t quite get it, how so much had changed in such little time. But I would definitely admit that it had, and I was grateful.

“Well, that’s good,” he said, giving me a warm smile as he did some bicep curls as well. I could’ve sworn something flickered through his eyes though before he covered it and pursed his lips.

“Hey, can I tell you something?” he asked softly, frowning at the dumbbell in his hand while he chewed his cheek.

“Of course, is everything okay?” I asked, my stomach suddenly churning.

He wasn’t going to say he liked me or something, was he? I didn’t want things to get awkward, especially since it was obvious I was with my hellhounds.

But something told me that wasn’t it, especially with the warring emotions on his face as he tried to find the words.

He went to open his mouth, but then the gym door opened and his gaze shot to it.

Bug strode over, his eyes flicking between us as he gave me a small smile that made my heart flutter.

“I’m glad you’re both here, Mr. Baron wants to speak with you both,” he said as he came to a standstill before us and folded his arms.

“Why? What does he want?” I asked.

“No idea, I didn’t ask. He just wanted me to come find you and bring you guys to him. How was gym?”

“Fine. I’m getting stronger though,” I said as I got to my feet.

Xander put away his dumbbells before joining us, and Bug led us back out into the hall.

What could Mr. Baron possibly want with the both of us?

A tinge of worry swept over me. I hoped it was nothing bad.

“What did you want to tell me?” I asked Xander, but he just shook his head.

“It’s nothing important,” he said quickly, but I caught the odd look in his eye before he averted his gaze and fell silent.

Bug just glanced over his shoulder at me but didn’t say anything as I chewed my lip.

Was it really nothing?