But I wasn’t up for anything right now, not with everything that was going on. I was tired and just wanted to get some sleep. To slip away from all my worries for a short while if I could.

I sighed as I checked my phone and smiled at the text from Jack wishing me a good night and good sleep. I quickly shot back a message, and my heart skipped a few beats when he sent back that he loved me.

I sent back those three special words, unable to stop smiling as my chest fluttered.

I was loved by my hellhounds, and I loved them back equally.

To finally have love in my life once more made me happier than ever. I focused on that rather than my worries, on how I’d get through this with the help of my hellhounds. My monsters who’d always been there for me.

Bug ran his fingers down my back, causing me to quiver as I closed my eyes.

His soft strokes sent tingles through me, and before I knew it, I’d drifted off into the darkness.

* * *

Golden-white fire swirled around me, and I moved my hands along it, brushing against the warm flames. The power within the fire tingled over my fingertips and rippled up my arms, snaking around them with a mind of its own.

I felt like I was on fire with an incredible power, something far greater than I’d ever felt before.

I could see my hellhounds outside my hellfire, joyously dancing around me in their wolf forms as I twirled around within my burning vortex.

The intense energy and power coursed through me, filling me with such a sense of divine purpose.

I let my fire fade away as my hellhounds padded in to circle around me, shaking their giant bodies as they moved in.

I ran my hands through their silky soft fur and trailed them over their horns, admiring the texture of each set of brilliant spikes adorning their heads. I could tell who was who as they sat down around me, gazing at me with those fiery eyes that burned with life and incredible power.

My hellhounds.

I sat down as they piled around me, resting their heads on me and rumbling softly.

This was where I was meant to be. Right here with my hellhounds.

I smiled as I stroked their fur, loving the feel of their warmth embracing me.

But the moment was broken as all of their heads rose, deep growls rumbling from within them as they shot to their feet.

I stared around me, noticing how the forest scene we’d been in was now warping, the trees twisting and withering as they blackened, and the earth turned to ash. The moonlit sky was doused in a scarlet hue, and I shuddered at the sight.

My hellhounds snarled as they launched forward, and my chest tightened instantly.

“Wait!” I cried out, reaching after them as they took off and disappeared into the darkness.

Darkness. That’s what surrounded me now. Encasing everything, drowning out the landscape and suffocating me.

“So, this is how he was reaching you, warning you.”

A deep fear set root inside me as the wicked voice rang out around me, my blood turning to ice.

“Well, he won’t be coming to your rescue anymore,” the voice said, echoing around me with a horrid laughter that chilled me to my core.

Somehow, deep down, I knew it was a Prince of Hell.

He was hijacking my mind, slipping in the same way my father had.

The laughter died down, and the darkness was excruciatingly silent.

“We will have you, Lily, that much I can promise you,” the voice growled out.

I gasped as I felt the strange connection snap deep inside me, like someone had severed whatever this link was.

I couldn’t explain it, but I felt like I could no longer communicate with my father like I had before.

The darkness shifted, and my hellhounds returned, a sense of ease washing over me as my dream returned to normal. Whatever worries I had faded away as I played with my hellhounds, chasing them through the forest. Blissfully forgetting everything for some strange reason.