Iawoke from the strange dream, blinking groggily as I rolled onto my back. I automatically smiled when I found Jack was still beside me, reading a textbook.

“You okay?” he asked softly, and I nodded while stifling a yawn.

“I guess. Well, no, not really. I had another dream with my dad. He warned me things were going to get harder and that I needed to focus on learning to use my new hellfire,” I mumbled as I rolled back into his side and nuzzled him.

I’d still not gotten my answers from my father. If anything, I was more worried now.

Jack set his text book down as I squeezed him, and rolled onto his side to pull me into his arms.

“I imagine he’s right about all of it,” Jack said as he kissed my forehead.

“He wouldn’t answer me about my mother though, if his magic was what got her killed,” I muttered. “He just said there’s so much I don’t know. But things will get harder. Why? How?”

“It’s frustrating not knowing, so I can understand. But we just need to keep pushing onward. Hopefully answers come with time,” Jack said sweetly, and I pulled back to make a face at him.

“What?” he smiled charmingly.

“Don’t be wise, it makes me feel childish, especially since you’re technically still a baby, being a few years old and all,” I chuckled, and he laughed softly.

“I’m far from wise, I just know stressing about it all now won’t get us anywhere. We can focus on your new power and how you can use it. That’s a start,” he said, those dark eyes soaking me up. They were so soft and tender, and I quivered at the way he was looking at me.

I leaned forward, pressing my lips to his as he pulled me hard against him.

I could use a good make-out session to distract my chaotic mind for a short while.

* * *

The days passed by slowly as we all fell back into our usual routine. Dezikiel still had not returned. When I asked Miss Sage at breakfast about his whereabouts, she informed me he was meeting a trusted member of the High Council somewhere safe and remote.

And I was no closer to finding answers despite questioning everyone and researching.

I spent a lot of time with my men, taking comfort in their touches and presence. Kissing them more and growing even closer with them.

I was yet to be with Jack again intimately, or any of the others, although I’d had a few make-out sessions. I was too caught up in my own mind to really consider doing more.

Now I stood in the training area, willing my hellfire forth while Creeper and Jack stood a safe distance away.

Ever since that night, I hadn’t been able to bring forth my old hellfire. It had evolved to this golden-white form, which I could control with ease.

Mr. Baron was impressed when I’d hurled fireballs and even willed it to take on various forms. But it was incredibly draining, and I exhausted myself too quickly a lot of the time, unable to use it afterwards while I recharged.

My hellhounds felt a little useless now, which Jack had confided in me about. They couldn’t help me learn with this new hellfire due to it injuring them badly. I’d told them all that they weren’t useless. Their presence was comforting and encouraging, as long as they avoided my flames.

Jack’s burn had finally healed up, and we’d spent a session before this on combat training. I’d sent him flying a bunch of times to my surprise and delight, and even Creeper had stepped in, only to get tossed over the concrete blocks.

My strength had seriously increased, and I was better able to draw that focusing power forth, to hone it and use it.

At least they healed up quickly from those injuries, although I hated hurting them.

But as Jack had said, I needed to know how to fight properly and at full strength, and they’d heal up fast.

Now my fire swirled around me as it took on the form of a galloping horse. It circled me, majestic and utterly gorgeous, its tail flowing out behind it as its golden-white flaming hooves beat heavily on the training ground.

I launched it into a dummy, watching as it exploded into golden-white flames and set it alight.

I then beckoned with my hand and smiled as the flames whirled back to me to continue swirling around me, leaving the burned dummy in its wake.