Ientered the library with Bug in tow, glad the day was over and I could get some studying done before heading to the leisure room. Chumley had hurried off, saying he’d meet us there when we were done. He wanted to play some PlayStation, which I found adorable.

I spied Thomas off to one side as he leaned over his laptop.

Bug followed me quietly as I headed over.

“Hey Thomas, how’s everything going? Got your essay done?” I asked, causing him to jump back and flick his gaze to me.

My eyes moved to the screen, and I frowned as I recognized Facebook.

He wasn’t logged in though, which was good since we were prohibited from having it.

“I… ah…” he stuttered as Bug and I just stared at him curiously.

“I’m going to read,” Bug stated, reading the situation and moving off to plop down on one of the couches as he pulled his book out from his back pocket.

At least his latest read fit in his pocket, normally he just carried a book everywhere.

“I won’t tell,” I said as I sat down beside him. “But what are you doing?”

Thomas sighed in defeat as he gave me a sad smile.

“It’s my sister. I just wanted to see how she was going,” Thomas admitted quietly. “I hate that my family thinks I’m dead. I had a good life before that wretched witch ruined it all for me. I mean, I do love everyone here and stuff, but I miss my family sometimes,” he said softly as he scrolled through the photos. The young teen looked a lot like Thomas, sharing his golden-brown hair. Hers had soft curls in it, whereas his was cut short and faded on the sides. She had bright blues eyes, a stark contrast to his light brown ones, but their facial features were similar.

She was smiling in the group photos with her friends, and her selfies looked happy.

“At least she seems to be doing well. Not too broken by my ‘death’ hopefully,” he muttered, although I could hear the deep pain in his voice.

I touched his arm lightly, and he gave me a sad smile.

“I know Flynn still calls home on occasion, just to hear his mother’s voice. He puts his phone on private and just listens,” he said softly.

That broke my heart, and my throat tightened as sadness washed over me for all of them.

I recalled learning that Flynn’s mother had been the sole parent to him and his little sister after their father walked out. His supposed death probably crushed her.

I hated these rules the High Council had set. It had torn apart families. The boys didn’t have control over what had happened to them, but forcing this upon them was cruel.

“Couldn’t they reverse the experiments?” I asked softly.

“No. Dezikiel argued and got a powerful witch in, but the magic that had changed us was linked with demon magic. There was no reversing it. Not even the angels could do it,” Thomas said painfully.

I pursed my lips at this as he just shook his head.

“A few more years and hopefully I’ll move on, right?” he said with a forced smile, and my chest tightened for him.

We both knew you couldn’t just forget about your family.

“Matty got off lucky. His new life here is great compared to his home life, which I guess I’m glad for. His dad was a horrible drunk who used to beat him. I remember him saying he doubted his father even cared when he ‘died’. That he was probably glad to be rid of him.”

I stayed quiet as Thomas flicked through more photos, although his expression only got more dismayed the more he looked through them.

I heard the door open, and turned to see Dylan entering the room as well.

He strode over, clucking his tongue as he peered over our shoulders.

“Stalking your sister again?” he mused as Thomas shut the lid of the laptop.