I paused for only a moment before I figured out where to head. The keepers had organized the library into genres, so relationships was probably where I needed to look.

I faltered when I flicked my gaze to Dylan as he typed away on his laptop.

Right. Google. That would be better.

I headed to the lone computer near Dylan. Most of the students had their own laptops, so there was only one free laptop on offer for anyone to use, although they preferred it to remain in the library. I really needed to use my phone more, but I rarely charged it.

I plopped down and powered it up, glancing over at Dylan.

“Catching up on essay work too?” Dylan mused.

“Um, kinda,” I mumbled, unsure how to really answer. I didn’t want him knowing I had no idea how to woo a woman. I’d read lots of things in all my books, but many were fantasy and out of this world, so I wasn’t entirely sure if it carried over to real life.

Flowers would be a good idea. Maybe chocolate.

I just wanted to get this right.

“You okay?” Dylan asked, noting my unease as he peered over his laptop at me.

“Yeah,” I said softly.

“Anything I can help with?” he asked.

“Well, it’s dating stuff, I think,” I admitted with a frown.

“Well, considering I swing for the other team, I may not be too grand to ask, but I think I could help,” he said.

“I want to win Lily over. Don’t tell the others, but she’s slept with Jack and Chum now, and I’d like to see if she’d be interested in me that way. We kiss and whatnot, but I want to take the next step. I just want to do it right, try to be romantic about it,” I said with exasperation.

“Wow, didn’t think she’d slept with anyone yet,” he clucked before his brow furrowed. “Wait… Jack and Chum? Are you guys actually really sharing her?”

I nodded, knowing it did perplex others.

“Huh, weird, but each to their own really,” Dylan said as he shrugged. “As for being romantic, I can give you a few tips,” he added with a wink.

“Okay,” I nodded, and he lit up as he shuffled around the desk to sit closer.

He looked way too excited to help me out with this, but I would accept any and all guidance.

I wanted to get it perfect.