Iwatched as Lily used her fire while Diane and Hadley used their magic. The sisters were throwing magic beams at her, trying to strike Lily and break through her swirling fire that burned around her and defended her, deflecting their attempts.

They weren’t making much progress though.

Lily seemed to be enjoying it as she darted around, fending off the magical blasts of green magic and flinging her flames.

I knew the flames she hurled at them were weaker, as the sisters were able to conjure up magical fields which repelled them, and I smiled knowingly. Lily didn’t want to accidentally hurt them. She was so sweet and kind, always worried about the others around her. It was a quality of hers that I adored.

But seeing her twirling around, smiling as the golden fire glinted from her eyes, it was an incredible sight to behold.

“She’s amazing, isn’t she?” Chum said from his seat beside me.

We sat on the bench and watched as they sparred and practiced their magic. I’d seen Mr. Baron chatting with Hershel, so they were probably practicing his magic somewhere else.

“She always has been,” I murmured, unable to draw my gaze from her.

Her movements had become so much more confident and fluid since her fire had changed. It was like she’d changed within, trusting herself more and being at one with her power. Like she was more at ease with what she was now.

And it both fascinated and awed me.

Chumley grinned as he watched her, and I flicked my elastic band as my stomach churned. I wanted to ask him how it had gone with Lily. I knew he’d spoken to Jack while I was in the library, and I’d been wondering about it ever since this morning.

“Chum…” I started, and he turned to me, those dark eyes alert.

“What’s up?” he asked when I didn’t continue.

“How was it?” I asked, forcing the words forth. “With Lily?”

His smile moved to a sly smirk as he shook his head.

“Don’t feel like you can’t ask. But I have to tell you, it’s incredible. Being with her like that… and damn, tasting her is amazing. Jack was bummed he hadn’t done it when he was with her. But finishing inside her rather than my hand… now that’s something I can’t explain. It’s just so perfect, being connected with her in the moment, our bodies joined. It’s something beyond anything I could have imagined. You feel completely one with her, like the world is perfect. I actually couldn’t last too long…” he admitted with a grimace. “But she said that was okay, she didn’t mind. I guess because I made her get a big moment with oral. She started writhing and then all this extra fluid came out of her, and it was quite sweet,” he explained.

“Is it obvious when she orgasms?” I asked, impressed he’d managed such a feat. I’d read men tended to have issues pleasing their partners in that way.

“Yes. She makes sounds when you’re doing things right, but she gets louder and more…well, you’ll find out soon enough,” he said with a wicked grin as he winked at me.

My face flushed as I looked down at my hands and flicked my elastic band again.

Would she even want to do that with me? Was she still happy to have all of us? What if she thought I was useless to her in that way? I’d never been with a woman before, so I had no idea what to do.

“Relax, it’s Lily,” Chum said as he caught my wrist. I hadn’t even noticed I’d started flicking my band like crazy.

I’d actually not done it much since being closer with her, which I found comforting.

“I know,” I said with a sigh. Still, I wanted to do it right for her. Jack had gone all out for her, and I wanted to do something similar. I had a feeling Chum’s was more a spur of the moment thing.

I’d do something special and romantic to woo her, and then pray she’d be up for taking it that next step with me.

I could only hope.

“Hey, can you keep watch for me? I just want to run to the library,” I asked, and Chum just nodded.

“Thanks,” I mumbled as I took off, my mind whirring. I needed to figure out what the best ways were to woo her. What did women like anyway?

Lily was too distracted with her training to notice me go thankfully, and I darted to the library, finding Dylan was already in there on his laptop at the table.