“There’s probably more powers you haven’t even unlocked yet,” Xander said as he leaned back in his chair and furrowed his brow thoughtfully.

“Yes, there are a few I believe Lily has, but practicing them will not be easy,” Mr. Baron spoke up. He and Miss Sage sat at the far end of the table beside Dezikiel’s seat, which had been left vacant.

“Like what?” Matthew asked as he arched a brow.

Mr. Baron gave me a look as if to verify that I was okay with sharing my abilities. I nodded, and he smiled in return.

“She can control low-level demons, and manipulate humans. The Princes of Hell are capable of such things as well,” Mr. Baron explained. “But practicing those abilities could be both difficult and dangerous.”

“Ooh, like how Crowley inSupernaturalcan snap necks and pin people against walls and such with a telekinetic like ability?!” Diane bounced in her seat with excitement.

“Sort of. I believe it’s more than just a telekinetic ability,” Mr. Baron answered as he pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose. He looked rather ruffled today, like he hadn’t gotten much sleep, while Miss Sage looked poised as always.

“How would she practice that? Same way Xander practices his possession?” Flynn asked.

“Yes, but we won’t practice it until we believe she’s ready,” Mr. Baron said. “We still don’t know how it will work and what the repercussions could be.”

That made sense. I didn’t want to accidentally hurt anyone.

“That’s wicked, how awesome,” Diane beamed, and I focused on my food as I felt all eyes on me.

The topic moved to the essays that were due for our history class, and there was a round of groans. Miss Sage made it clear there was no extension just because we’d had a monster pop up. They were still due by the end of the week.

“I always sucked at history,” Thomas grumbled once Miss Sage and Mr. Baron headed out.

The keepers were tidying up quickly, but some of the boys were helping themselves to seconds.

I did wonder how none of us got a bit fat, but apparently being part demon gave you a big metabolism boost. And as for Xander, well, he was technically dead, so he didn’t even eat much.

“You sucked at anything that required essays,” Flynn jabbed at him playfully. “You always excelled at sports and the more hands-on classes though.”

“Hey, don’t be a dick. You haven’t even started your essay,” Matthew smirked before looking at Dylan as he gave his hand a squeeze. The pair of them were utterly adorable together, and I was glad they weren’t hiding it anymore.

I watched the three best friends bicker as I chuckled with the girls.

I felt sorry for them. After they’d been experimented on and turned part demonic, the Angels had informed their families that they’d died in an accident. They’d warped their minds to believe this and not question it, which was sad.

They’d had to abandon proper lives—high school, family, other friends, pets—all because of the experimentation.

I’d sat down with them about a month ago and I’d asked about it when I’d seen them training. They had some incredible strength, able to send the dummies flying, and were masters of most weaponry.

“How are you guys finding the Academy?” I asked as I sat with the trio of friends. They were honestly like brothers with how close they were.

“It’s great. We’ve learned a lot about what we are, and we get to play with all the weapons,” Flynn said happily as he twirled the throwing knife in his hand.

“Was a big change though for us,” Matthew said as he pulled his legs up in front of him.

We were sitting under an oak tree by the training area, where they had been practicing with some weapons from the Armory.

“How so?” I asked.

“We had families, and when the High Council collected us, we had to leave our old lives behind. Completely cut ourselves off from it all,” Thomas said, his voice hollow as he tapped a finger on his knee.

“What? Why?” I baulked.

“We’re demonics. We’re hunted and dangerous. Having friends and family outside the Academy is not good. They could be used against us by demons or hunters. Once you come here, you need to let go of everything you left behind,” Flynn said quietly, staring at his knife as he continued to twirl it.

“It’s not too bad though. We’ve had a few years to adjust to the change and let go of everything,” Matthew said as he lay back on the grass. “We’ve made friends here, and soon, we’ll be able to go out on missions as well. Make us some cash,” he said with a smirk.