“Don’t ask me that,” I mumbled, wishing the bed would swallow me whole.

“Chumley thought you did,” he added. “Was he wrong?”

“Fine, I did, you happy?” I ground out, and he just chuckled at my expense.

“Hmm, I wonder what it tastes like?” Bug said thoughtfully.

“Oh God, please stop,” I grumbled, and the pair just laughed.

“Well, I came to tell you both that Miss Sage has taken over Dezikiel’s duties, and she has a job for Creeper and I,” Jack informed me.

All my unease vanished as I sat up and frowned. A job? Did he mean…?

“You mean a hunt? For how long?” I asked softly as he sat on the edge of the bed, my chest tightening.

“Yes, a hunt. Three days at most,” he said as he reached over to tuck a few strands of hair behind my ear.

His charming smile did little to alleviate my worries.

“Is that smart? With what just happened with Charlie?” I mumbled as I looked down at my hands. My stomach knotted at the thought of the pair being put in danger.

“I believe Bug and Chum are more than capable of keeping you safe, my love,” he said sweetly, and my chest lurched at the way he called me ‘my love’. I couldn’t stop the smile from spreading, and his just brightened.

“What’s the job?” Bug asked.

“High-level demon possession. Only a few hours from here, but we’ll have to scout it all out first. Hopefully we can get it done quickly and come home,” Jack said as he stroked the side of my face.

I knew he and Creeper could handle the job with ease, but it did little to alleviate the uncertainty that was bubbling up inside me.

I was worried for them, and about what was going on around us too.

I sighed as I forced myself to not argue. They’d been on plenty of hunts, and Miss Sage clearly needed their help for it. I could also protect myself if needed. I had my fancy new hellfire. I didn’t have to rely on them now. But I needed to find out if it worked on angelics. With Dezikiel away, we had no defense against angelics, which was worrying.


“Can your bites hurt angelics too?” I asked, hating that I hadn’t asked sooner.

“Yes. Even though we’re from Hell, we can fight angelics too. You don’t need to worry. If Dezikiel hadn’t come to our aid the other night, I’m sure we could’ve taken that monster down,” Jack said firmly.

“Yeah, although we might’ve had some worse injuries. Angelic inflicted injuries don’t heal like demonic ones do for us,” Bug added.

Well, I was just glad to know that we had at least one thing to fight an angelic with if needed.

Still, I wished we could get our hands on some angelic weapons.

“Why can’t she send any of the others?” I asked.

“The only others who ever get sent out are Paris, Wayne, Hadley, and Diane. Everyone else still needs more training,” Jack said with a gentle look. “Wayne and Paris left early this morning for another job, and Diane and Hadley need to remain here as they’ve added their own magical warding to the Academy that only they can access and control. They’re quite powerful in their own right, and since they have witch magic, they can fight angelics too if needed,” Jack reassured me.

“Okay,” I said as I slouched forward in defeat.

“Relax, everything will be okay. We’ll be back before you know it,” Jack said as he glancing over at the door. I followed his gaze in time to see Creeper joining us.

He surveyed the room, sniffing it before his shoulders stiffened.

He hesitated for a moment before he strode over and nodded at me.

“We will be back soon,” Jack promised as he leaned forward and gave me a soft peck on the lips.