Ihurried back to Lily’s room with the apple crumble I’d made earlier for her as I grinned stupidly to myself.

She’d seemed off after her training session outside with Bug, and then even at dinner she’d been awfully quiet.

Bug had told me Wayne had shared his story with her, and Paris had told her about the short lives of hunters.

We’d retreated to her room to watch Netflix all together, but she’d asked if she could be alone for a while and to shower, so we’d all left.

Jack was worried she was taking it badly, and I knew a tasty treat would help. Hopefully. Food always helped me when I wasn’t feeling too grand. Hopefully it would do the same for her.

I knocked on her door, and when there was no answer, I headed in carefully, the sound of running water greeting me.

I sat down on the end of her bed, my stomach churning as I stared at the bathroom door.

I could feel her despair and worry, like we were connected by a strange bond.

Ever since the night she’d had her powers awakened, we’d been able to sense things with her. And then when her hellfire had changed to that golden-white, it had only grown stronger. Now we could feel her emotions more.

She was saddened by Wayne’s words, and a little worried. I just wanted to ease her feelings, to help her feel better and return to her usual bright self.

The shower shut off, and I stared down at the apple crumble with custard drizzled all over it.

I hoped it helped ease her mind a little. She’d always gone for sweets when she wasn’t feeling well.

Lily stepped out of the bathroom, wrapped up in a towel and looking quite dejected.

That was, until she saw my bowl of goodness.

A small smile played at her lips, making my heart flutter.

“I brought you some apple crumble. I know you said you wanted to be left alone, but I figured if you weren’t feeling great, this would help,” I said quickly as my heartbeat quickened.

“Thank you,” she said softly as she strode over and plopped down beside me, accepting the treat when I offered it to her like it was made of gold.

“I just can’t believe demonics die like that. Why can’t we have long, normal lives too?” she said as she took a spoonful of the dessert and moaned softly.

My body reacted to the sweet sound, but I hid myself from her, not wanting her to see it. Now was not the time.

“Because demonics hunt demons. It’s how it has always been. It’s the one thing the High Council of Angels deems them useful for. Otherwise, they would probably just kill them all instead. Better to have a chance at life than none at all, right?” I said softly, understanding her pain. But this was just how it was and how it had been for a very long time. It was all they knew, and all I’d known since coming to the Academy too.

“I know, and I get it. It just sucks. Paris is so closed off because of it all, she lost her foster parents, and now she won’t let anyone in,” Lily mumbled between mouthfuls of the apple crumble. God, she was always so kind and compassionate, and it pained me to see the distress this was causing her.

“That’s how she’s handling it, perhaps she will move past it eventually,” I said carefully as I flicked my gaze away when her towel started to drop lower over her chest.

“I hope so. We all deserve a chance to love and be loved, to have friends and feel like a family. I won’t lie, I love it here. I feel like this is more of home than any place before. I have great friends, and you guys,” she said as she gave me a warm smile.

“Your towel is coming undone,” I pointed out, doing my best not to look at the cleavage she was showing. The sight of it in my peripheral vision was making my body burn.

“Oh, sorry,” she said, her cheeks flushing as she fixed it up. “I just wish Dezikiel was here. I want to ask him so many things. I tried asking Miss Sage and Mr. Baron, but they won’t tell me anything,” she grumbled as she polished off the last of the apple crumble.

I took the bowl from her and rose to take it over to the desk so it was out of the way.

“Do you want to watch something to distract your mind?” I asked.

“Yeah, that’s probably best. I’ll just get dressed first,” she said softly, and I remained facing the desk as she stood.