Iwent about classes as normal, hoping Dezikiel would return soon so I could speak with him. Miss Sage had taken over the history class on his behalf, although she left us mostly to our own devices anyway.

After my latest history class I felt re-charged enough to practice my fire again. So, I headed back out to the training area with Bug in tow. Jack, Creeper, and Chumley were off doing their own things, which I was grateful for. Jack had told me they didn’t want me alone at all since the Charlie episode. I understood their concern and was thankful for their protection, but I also knew I was stronger now. More powerful. I didn’t need a constant protection detail.

“When do you think Dezikiel will return?” I asked Bug as we walked hand in hand. I felt completely at ease with him, but the thought of what he might think if I told him about Jack and I made my stomach tighten. Would they mind that I’d been with Jack first? Would jealousy flare up?

He gave me a thoughtful look before he shrugged. “No idea, but it shouldn’t be that long. I know you want to talk to him and get answers.”

I sighed in frustration. I did want to know what the hell was going on, but no one could tell me anything it seemed.

I fell quiet as we walked, taking comfort in his presence instead. No matter what, I had my hellhounds. They’d help me get through everything.

As we reached the training area, I pursed my lips at the sight of Wayne and Paris practicing their own magic.

“Want to do something else?” Bug asked softly, knowing I’d been hoping to practice my hellfire alone.

“No, it’s okay. I would like to watch them,” I said as I moved to sit on a bench off to the side.

Bug sat with me, opening up his book to continue reading rather than watching the twins. He’d been here far longer than me, so he probably knew all their moves.

I’d only seen them in action a handful of times.

The pair were exchanging powerful blows, and I watched as Paris twirled away from Wayne and into the shadow of a spar dummy.

She immediately shot down into the shadow, vanishing from sight like the earth had swallowed her up.

She reappeared behind Wayne, launching out of his own shadow and knocking his feet out from under him.

Wayne was quick to save himself, twisting in the air so that he landed on all fours and quickly launched to the side to avoid a swift kick to the face.

I watched the pair, in awe of their speed and quick reflexes, blown away by their prowess.

They were true masters in their movements, and I just shook my head.

After a few more minutes, Wayne signaled for them to take a break now that their chests were heaving with exertion, and they headed over to another bench to grab some water.

“I’m going to go chat to them,” I murmured as I rose, and Bug gave me a questioning look. “You can keep reading, don’t worry.”

He smiled at that and immersed himself back in the pages as I walked over to the twins.

“Hey, how’s it going?” I asked as I stopped in front the pair.

“Good,” Paris said before she took a large swig from her water bottle.

“You guys are amazing,” I added, feeling a little funny with how terse Paris was. She’d always been like that though from what I understood. She wasn’t close with any of the other students save for her brother, and kept to herself most of the time.

“Thanks, I’ve seen you in action too, you’re pretty nifty when you get that weird focus going. It’s some special mastery power inside you, right?” Wayne checked as he used a small towel to wipe the sweat from his neck and face.

“Yeah, not sure what it is, but I’m learning to replicate it more,” I said with a nod.

“Good. Never stop using it. We train almost every day to stay at the top of our game. We need to remain strong and ready for anything. Like that night,” he said as his smile dropped.

“Why didn’t you use guns on that thing? Wouldn’t they have worked better?” I asked as guilt chewed at me once more. Everyone had come to my rescue that night, and I was beyond grateful.

I knew Paris had hurled her throwing knives at it, targeting vital spots, but that had done nothing. Only Dezikiel’s angel blade had worked.

“They’re all locked up in the Armory, and we only had a little bit of time to grab things,” Wayne said with a sigh. “I wish they trusted us with guns. I always had one on my person until I came here. Dezikiel forbids it, but Paris can still carry around her knives,” he grumbled as Paris rolled her eyes.