There was no denying the feelings we had for one another now.
But I didn’t know the first thing about wooing a woman or romancing her.
Hence the pile of books I now had.
“What are you reading?”
I glanced over my current book in hand, ‘Things You Should Already Know About Dating, You F*cking Idiot’, which, to be honest, was not very helpful. Maybe because Lily didn’t use social media, or the fact that I barely used the phone Dezikiel had given me. Besides, it contradicted all the old school methods I’d been fond of in a few of the other books.
“Romance books,” I sighed as Creeper sat on the armchair across from me.
“You like reading romance stories?” Creeper snickered.
“No, romance tips, how to woo a woman,” I mumbled as I set the book down. I needed to try something else, this one was useless. It was supposedly for millennials, which I thought we were, but maybe not.
Creeper cocked his head at me with a perplexed look.
“You trying your luck with Lily?” he asked after a moment.
I shifted uncomfortably and swallowed before I met his gaze.
“Is that okay?” I asked carefully.
“Why wouldn’t it be? I guess being closer to her in that way would only add to our ability to protect her. That way she won’t date others and get hurt by potential break-ups,” Creeper said with a shrug. His nonchalant response relieved me.
“Right,” I nodded as I relaxed. I’d had the momentary thought that he might try to fight me for her. But that was ridiculous, we were practically brothers.
“Besides, I’m sure we don’t mind sharing,” Creeper smirked as his dark eyes flashed deviously.
I just smiled, knowing full well he was trying to bait me. Too bad I’d already considered that.
“If she’s down for that, then I don’t mind at all,” I stated as I picked up my next book.
Creeper’s smirk turned into a small smile, and then he reached for one of my books.
“They any good?” he mumbled as he read the back of it. ‘1001 Dating Tips and Advice’.
“Some of them,” I mused as I flicked through my newest read.
Creeper sat back in his seat, and I cracked a smile as he opened up the book.
I focused on my own, giving him the odd glance and finding he was actually trying to learn from the book, his brow creased as he studied it.
It made me rather proud of him, and I hoped Lily would take us all on. If she rejected us, I knew it would hurt. But we’d understand.
We’d never stop caring for her or protecting her.
“Do you think she likes lilies?” Creeper asked as we headed to the dining hall for dinner.
“I don’t know,” I admitted. Lily had never had flowers around the house. Guess she couldn’t afford them.
“She liked looking at some lilies in a park we used to go to. But she liked a lot of the flowers there. I want to find out her favorite.” Creeper sighed as he jammed his hands into his pockets.
“Ask her,” I stated.
He just pursed his lips at the suggestion.
“Her favorite color is sky blue,” he declared after a moment.