My pendant was perfectly intact, but considering it was a gift from my father, that didn’t surprise me.

“Don’t be sorry. I’ve always been like that actually,” he chuckled as he glanced over at the window overlooking the garden. “I actually like the name. It’s simple and easy, and reminds me that I’m special, that you took the time to give me a nickname which suited me.”

Well, that was good then. I could feel less guilty for giving him the odd nickname.

“Hey, when Jack scratched me those times, I healed up fast, like, within a day. And they were nasty gashes, but they’d stop bleeding in seconds. Any idea why?” I asked, the odd thought popping into my head as he toyed with his elastic band around his wrist.

“Dezikiel thinks that because we were created to protect you, we can’t actually harm you. Any injuries caused by us are temporary and heal quickly,” Bug said as he turned back to look at me, a smile playing at his lips. “We would never hurt you, Lily.”

“I know,” I whispered. They’d been by my side for four years. I trusted them.

“Well, I bet you’re excited to start learning how to wield your hellfire, plus dive into everything else,” Bug grinned.

He was right, now that my initial uncertainty had been demolished and my fear gone, I was rather excited.

“When does that start?” I asked, unable to keep from smiling.

I felt alive, more alive than I’d ever felt before, like a fire had been rekindled deep inside me.

In a way, one had.

“Well, if you’re up for it, I’m going to head to breakfast shortly, then I’m off to see Mr. Baron. I’m sure he’ll be keen to see you. There’s no real set schedule, they let us know what time things are on at lunch. We all go to the classes together, but sometimes you can get one-on-one time with the teachers if you need it. That’s why they’re there, so you can access them at any time,” Bug informed me.

“Okay, well, let me shower and brush my teeth, I’ll be ready in a moment,” I said excitedly, nearly forgetting I was stark naked. I remembered just as I went to climb out of bed.

“Um, do you mind…” I mumbled, biting my lip as he realized and nodded quickly.

He stood up and collected his book before making his way to the door.

I waited until he’d left my room before shooting out of bed and straight into the shower.

My life had been through one hell of a twist, and now, now a new chapter was unfolding, and to say I was excited was an understatement.

I felt different, stronger and just… better. I was something more than anyone could have imagined.

Would my mother be proud? My smile faltered as I turned the water on in the shower. I still wanted to know what had happened to her. Why she’d been killed.

The thought rolled around in my mind like a heavy weight, and I struggled to get past it. What was done was done. And maybe I’d never find out why another Prince of Hell had killed her and why Dezikiel didn’t want me telling anyone about how it had all gone down. I shook my head, instead focusing on what I did know and could control.

I had powers now, and from what Bug had said, hellfire was involved.

I finished up quickly and brushed my teeth before throwing my hair up into a ponytail and heading into my closet for clothes. I picked out some ratty jeans and a plain grey tee. I glanced at my sneakers, then pulled them on. I doubted going barefoot to my classes was a good idea.

I found Bug waiting for me at my door, and he smiled brightly at me, his book in hand, still opened from where he’d been patiently waiting and reading.

“You look nice,” he said, and my cheeks flushed.

“Thanks,” I gave him a lopsided smile as I glanced at the cover of the book.

The Hobbit.

“Good book?” I asked as I tried to force my hot cheeks to go away.

“Yeah, really good. I hear it’s been made into movies,” he said, still smiling at me. Those dark eyes swallowed me up as they searched mine, and his smile softened.

My heart hammered at his sudden closeness, and I ended up breaking my gaze away, nervously glancing down at my worn sneakers.

“Let’s go, we’ll miss breakfast,” he said as he offered me his arm.