Ifelt when midnight struck. We all did. Lily still had her eyes closed, but I could feel the hellfire within me raging, and as I looked to my brothers, I saw their eyes were ignited, burning with the fires of Hell that had forged us.

We began to move, and I couldn’t explain how I knew what I was supposed to do, just that my body moved with a mind of its own.

We took up positions around her, kneeling down as our horns burst forth.

My jaw tightened as my canines lengthened as I knelt before her, my hellfire scorching through me and begging for me to complete the shift.

I knew my brothers felt it too as their eyes flickered with the same desire.

I snarled and bowed my head as the fire exploded forth and encased my body as I underwent the shift.

The air became thick with the heat of our flames, growls and snarls marking the moment of our shifts as I slowly rose once more.

We all stood in our half-shifted forms as we faced Lily while she lolled her head back to gaze up at the ceiling.

Then her mouth fell open, and I felt her power break through as her eyes lit up with a blinding white light which only grew with each passing second.

She raised her arms, the light pouring from her eyes and lighting up the room, completely blinding me.

I felt like I was in a trance, obeying some strange rules set out long ago as I stepped forward, along with my brothers.

Despite the brightness, we sensed her, and we rested our clawed hands on her shoulders, covering one another’s hands as her very essence and power pulsated through us. Warmth flooded through me with a sense of rightness, and my teeth pulled back into a snarl as I felt it curl and twist, taking on another form with Lily. A darker side.

The blinding white light flickered red, and then the hellfire exploded forth from her.

We held on as it scorched over us, tingling against our impervious black fur coats as it burned through the room.

I didn’t even think of Dezikiel as we all stepped closer to her instinctively, our own powers awakening with hers.

Our bodies drew in the hellfire, sucking it from the room like vacuums and preventing further damage.

The light bursting from her eyes faded, and Lily collapsed into our arms. Smudges of ash marring her skin where her clothes had burned away.

We sank to the floor with her and laid her down as our bodies shifted back to human.

It didn’t bother me that we were all naked now, just that she was okay.

Creeper nudged her shoulder gently, but she didn’t respond, her eyes still closed.

“Lily?” I murmured.

“She’s fine. It’s taken a lot out of her.”

I turned to Dezikiel, grateful he’d shielded himself from the flames with… them. Something I knew Lily would want to know about. She sensed he wasn’t like the rest of us. Not that we could tell her. Dezikiel didn’t like us telling, and not all of the students knew about him. Everyone just went with angelic.

She’d find out, in time.

Dezikiel joined us and checked over Lily before he nodded.

“She’s completely fine, just unconscious and worn out. That was a lot of power that awoke inside her. You boys did well extinguishing that hellfire. I’ve never seen so much explode out of a demonic before, and not with such power entwined in it. She truly is special,” he said, murmuring the last part. He adjusted his suit as he stood and bobbed his head.

“Take her to her room. Jack, clean her up please, and put her to bed. She deserves a good rest.”

I nodded as I slid my arms beneath her body, a strange feeling swelling up inside me.