I gave him an odd look, but then hooked my arm through his as he beamed at me.

Strangely, it felt right, and I rested my other hand on his arm as we walked.

“We all spoke last night after your awakening. Discussed things. We think it changed us too.” Bug shared his thoughts as we walked.

“What makes you think that?” I queried. I couldn’t help but love how warm his arm was through his plaid shirt. He looked like a young cowboy in it and the jeans, and I found myself forcing my eyes away. He really was quite attractive, and my heart had sped up just by touching him so innocently. He smelled so good too, a scent I was growing fond of, the slightly charred scent of my hellhounds. Just being so close to him was making me all giddy and nervous. I felt like I was thirteen again and crushing on the boy in my Math class.

“Well, we felt bound to you since we were created. Now, we feel something, well, more. We also feel stronger physically. We tested it out in the training yard outside. Seems we may have gotten stronger, and faster. Which is saying something, as we were pretty swift before,” he stated, then gave me a side glance. “And I’ve been noticing that you draw out emotions in all of us. Feelings. I can also tell, that right now, I’m making you a little nervous. I can feel it, somehow.” He frowned down at me as he inadvertently flicked the elastic band on his wrist.

I pursed my lips at this and averted my gaze. He could feel that? How? Why?

“Why are you nervous?” he asked, his voice rather soft, as if he was afraid of the answer.

Well, I certainly didn’t want to answer that, but the way he was flicking his elastic band, even with my arm hooked through his, proved that he was a little distressed by it.

“I think you guys bring out feelings in me too,” I said slowly as my stomach fluttered. Ugh. Why did they have such an effect on me? They all did. Even before last night. All of yesterday I’d tried to deny how I felt around them.

They were hellhounds, my monsters, not potential partners. So why did I keep having these feelings?

“Oh,” was all he said as he chewed his cheek. At least he’d stopped flicking the elastic band.

My stomach was knotting, and I felt a little queasy at admitting it to him.

But as I glanced up at him from the corner of my eye, my heart skipped a beat at the small smile on his face.

And then I focused, not just seeing his smile, but feeling his delight at knowing I felt something for him too.

It shocked me, and as quickly as I felt it, it slipped away.

Was that what he’d meant when he’d said he could feel it? How weird.

Thankfully, we reached the dining hall, and my thoughts were halted by the sight of waffles and fresh fruits and berries with ice-cream.

I sat down beside Hadley, and Bug sat on my other side, immediately helping himself to a plate of waffles.

I chose the one with a selection of berries and a few slices of other fruit, including kiwi fruit.

“Hey, I’ve been thinking, do you think you were named after Lilith?” Hadley asked through a mouthful of waffles.

“Who’s Lilith?” I asked, causing Wayne to cease talking to his twin to give me a dumbfounded look.

“Mother of demons, first wife of Adam,” Wayne stated, as if it was common knowledge.

“You mean, like, Adam and Eve?” I questioned.

“Yes, Eve was his second wife, created from one of his ribs,” Wayne nodded.

“Relax, she hasn’t started her studies yet, besides, you’re not religious, are you?” Hadley asked once she’d swallowed this time.


“There you go. How could you have known? Besides, Lilith has varied tales over time of who she is. You’ll learn the truth here,” Hadley stated as she stabbed another chunk of waffle and ice-cream with her fork.

“What powers did you get? The hounds here said you got hellfire, that’s pretty wicked,” Wayne said.

“I’m not sure, just hellfire I think,” I said as I began cutting up my waffles. My stomach was growling with excitement, and Bug was already wolfing his down.

“Not sure if it’s just hellfire,” Jack said firmly from the other side of Bug. “There’s more. Mr. Baron can help with that after breakfast. You guys got here late, the teachers are already off getting ready for the day. He wants to see you first up out in the training yard. Then give you a proper tour of the place.”

“Okay, cool,” I replied as I dug into my breakfast.

I could definitely get used to eating like this.