He just nodded before he started forward, allowing me to walk slowly with him as I tightened my grip on his hand.

Dezikiel stood patiently by the altar, and the other three hellhounds watched as I came to stand before it with Creeper.

I stared down at the stone floor, a chill setting into my bare feet. But what intrigued me was the intricate pentagram carving that had a seven-foot radius that I now stood within.

Creeper positioned us so that I stood at the center of this carving on the floor, and then he turned to me.

I looked up at him, at those dark eyes that were clearly devoted to me, seeing only reassurance and safety in their depths. I was safe with my hellhounds. They wouldn’t let anything happen to me, and I knew that.

He nodded softly, then slowly released my hand.

“Midnight is only minutes away, Lily. Don’t be afraid, it is nothing to be frightened of. This is who you are, what you were always bound to become. Something greater than humanity,” Dezikiel said, his voice echoing around the room. “For a millennia, mankind believed demons to be evil, but they knew not of the demonics who retained their souls. Human souls, entwined with the power and magic of demons, of Hell itself. And yet, they are not evil. Their souls are what make that possible. When midnight hits, I want you to remember your mother, of her love for you. She is the one, the reason you will retain your soul and yet gain abilities. You will become something greater, and we will teach you how to use that strength and power for good.”

I stood still as Dezikiel’s voice rang out, taking in every word he said.

The magic of Hell itself.

Had my mother known just who my father was? Did she know the truth of this world?

Or had she been used? Why was I created? What purpose did I serve? Why had my mother died at the hands of a Prince of Hell? What did it all mean?

“Focus, Lily. Midnight will be upon is in just a moment,” Dezikiel’s voice pierced the air with a sense of urgency.

I swallowed and closed my eyes as I clasped my hands together.

I focused on my mom, on her laughter that I still remembered, on her sweet, gentle smile. I thought of the photo I had of us, of all the joy and happiness we’d had, the love she had for me.

I missed her.

I wanted so badly to see her again, just one last time. I wanted her to know I wasn’t crazy. That the monsters were my friends, that they’d looked out for me since she’d gone. That they were protecting me.

That I wasn’t alone.

I gritted my teeth as something deep within me ignited, scorching through my very soul and exploding through my veins, burning with life and power.

This was it.