As we headed down the hall, I found my sleepiness was quickly diminishing while everything caught up to me.

When midnight struck, I’d gain powers. I shivered at the thought as I rubbed my arms.

“Cold?” Creeper asked as he noticed my uneasiness.

“Just not sure how things are going to go,” I said honestly.

“It’ll be okay, there’s nothing to worry about. It’s something all demonics go through apparently. Nothing bad ever happens, well, not to you. I’ve heard stories of past students, one exploded in a ball of flames, unharmed though. They could manipulate fire,” Creeper said in awe.

Great, cause I totally wanted to explode.

He noticed that it only unsettled me more, and pursed his lips.

“We’ll be there, it’ll be okay,” he tried to reassure me as he fell in step with me.

I just nodded, my heart pounding now that the time was finally near.

I drew in a deep breath, not wanting to slip back into a panic. I’d gotten so good at keeping calm, but today had been a whirlwind of a ride, and now everything was becoming real as we descended the stairs to the basement.

Silence engulfed us as the air grew colder, the stone walls of the basement making my skin prickle.

Small lights lit the walls, and as we reached the bottom of the stairs, I glanced around.

The room was a decent size, with a desk and shelving all around. Boxes of files lined the shelves, and there were a few other odds and ends down here.

But I didn’t get a chance to look around much as Creeper led me over to a solid iron door.

It was already ajar, and we stepped through into the second room.

Creeper stopped to close the heavy door behind us, and I shuddered as it groaned with the effort. He didn’t struggle with it though, and I sucked in a breath as it shut behind us and he cranked the lever lock to seal it tight. Locking us in.

I took in the smaller room, with the flickering light from the lit fire torches on the wall dousing it in an eerie warmth.

The room was bare, save for the alter at the far end, but it wasn’t your typical alter.

There was no cross, let alone Jesus nailed to it, instead, an iron pentagram hung on the wall.

“Pentagrams signify protection from evil. Most suitable, I guess,” Creeper said when he noticed I was staring at it.

The white stone altar beneath it had a few lit candles, and my gaze moved to where Dezikiel stood, still in his suit, with my three other hellhounds.

I couldn’t help the way my heart was now thrumming, and I swallowed down the uncertainty as I gritted my teeth.

“Come, Lily, midnight is near,” Dezikiel beckoned me over.

I glanced at Jack, then to Creeper beside me, who just nodded before I drew in a sharp breath. My legs were stiff and frozen though, refusing to budge as I shuddered.

Of course the fear would kick in now. I thought I’d been handling it all so well today.

But this was too real. I was a demonic, with powers and a rare bloodline. It was mind-blowing, overwhelming, and I couldn’t help it as I started to tremble.

I flinched as Creeper slipped his hand into mine and gave it a soft squeeze.

I glanced down at our joined hands, the warmth of his hand drawing me back into myself, anchoring and calming me.

I let out a shaky breath as I met his dark eyes and managed a weak smile.

“Thanks,” I murmured.