Somewhere deep inside myself, I wanted to question it all, question everything that was happening, but the calm encasing me made that desire fade away. It was like he’d pulled the wool from over my eyes, revealing all that was right and true in this world. I could sense it, feel it, and somehow I justknew.

“Don’t fight it. I know it’s in your nature, but everything that has happened to you, with your monsters, it’s all been real. With the pawn shop owner, Magnus’ hand was forced, and he had to manifest more in order to take action. You took over from there, instincts kicking in. I’m impressed that they awakened before midnight tonight.”

He was right, a part of me wanted to fight against this truth. Unwilling to bend and break my beliefs. But as hard as I tried to push back, my will faded fast. This was real, and this was the truth.

“My mons… hellhounds, they all have names?” I asked, correcting my term for them. I’d gotten so used to calling them my monsters though.

“Yes, and it’s about time you finally meet them. They were ordered to only watch over you after your mother’s death, you weren’t supposed to be able to see them, as many others can’t. But you are not just any person, Lily. You, yourself, are very special indeed,” Dezikiel gave me a thin-lipped smile, something glittering in those dark eyes. “Now, how about we go back and get you to your room. I’m sure you must be hungry as well, food is being prepared.”

I didn’t even get a chance to nod before I was abruptly sucked out of the white expanse and back into my body, still clutching his hand on the table. But that warmth and sense of understanding remained as a calmness swept over me.

I wasn’t crazy.

And demonic creatures, angelic creatures, they were real.

I knew it was true. It was like Dezikiel had broken that mirage of crazy I believed in for so long, and revealed the truth about the world.

My monsters, they were hellhounds.

“Come, let me show you to your room,” Dezikiel flashed his stunning white teeth as he released my hand and stood up gracefully. The pure contentedness faded with the loss of his touch, but my newfound truth and acceptance remained.

I didn’t say a word as I rose and followed after him.

I was still processing it all. I was never crazy. I was guarded by hellhounds.

“Why were they guarding me?” I asked as I followed along after him, my bare feet silent on the carpet in the hall we’d gone down. “You said others were looking for me, and Jorkan would keep me indoors, what do you mean by that?”

I did have so many questions, but the realization that I wasn’t crazy had left me feeling a little happy. To learn I was not utterly nuts and living in a fantasy world within my mind. My monsters were not a figment of my imagination, they were not my demons.

They were my protectors.

Guess this was a good birthday present.

“You carry special bloodlines from your father’s side, whom I believe you never knew,” Dezikiel said with a sigh as he glanced over his shoulder at me.

“Yes, my mother said he was a one-night-stand, but he found her when she gave birth to me before he left her again, never to come back,” I spat. He was no father, just a sperm donor. A man who’d bailed on us both, leaving my mother to provide for the pair of us, sometimes struggling to make ends meet. He was less than dirt in my eyes.

“Well, he carries royal bloodlines, hence why you needed protection when your mother died. When he found her while she was giving birth to you, he masked the pair of you. But when your mother died, that protection magic was broken, and the hellhounds found you instead.” Dezikiel explained, his footsteps inaudible. You would’ve thought those black leather shoes would make some kind of sound.

I slowed at his words. Royal bloodlines? what the hell did that mean? And he masked us? Was he saying my father had been protecting us in some strange way?

“My father had royal bloodlines?” I murmured as I let it roll around my mind for a moment as I continued following Dezikiel slowly. He’d slowed to keep in step with me. “Are you saying he protected us?”

“Yes, he has a powerful lineage, and also yes, he protected you both until your mother passed. Tell me, what happened the day your mother died?” Dezikiel asked gently, although I was still coming to terms with what he’d said about my father.

The man I’d hated for so long, believing he’d abandoned us. When in fact, he’d protected us. But why’d he leave? What were these bloodlines?

“Lily, what happened that day?” Dezikiel repeated, forcing me out of my ruminating thoughts.

I’d never told anyone about my mother’s death, but I knew I could trust him after everything he’d revealed to me.

He wasn’t human, I knew that. He was something so much more, and he meant me no harm. I’d felt it all in that white expanse. I felt the purity and honesty, and the safety.

This man, he was someone I could trust. I wanted to know why, but I also had a feeling I’d find out soon enough.

“I was in my room, listening to music, Avril Lavigne ‘Skater Boy’. I remember that so well for some reason,” I murmured. “I heard her shouting over my music, so I pulled my headphones out and went to my door…”

I drew in a shaky breath as the scene flooded into my mind, and I relayed it to him.