Once I was able to, I’d check myself in somewhere. Yep, that was the plan.

“The studies of demonic and angelic creatures. The history, the battles, the legends, and so much more. And for you to learn just what you are,” he smiled at me, those dark eyes lighting up at his own words.

I was lost for words as I just stared at him in shock.

“I’m a schizophrenic,” I finally mumbled when he didn’t laugh or show any indication that he was joking.

This was crazy. I was crazy.

He laughed now, a sharp yet angelic sound that made me relax for some bizarre reason. A warm flourishing inside me as I let my shoulders drop. How did he do that with just a laugh?

“Oh, sweet child, you are most certainly not,” he smiled broadly at me, his eyes glittering with amusement.

“I see monsters,” I shot back. How on earth would he know if I was or wasn’t crazy? He didn’t know me. He didn’t know the life I’d lived.

He didn’t know about my monsters.

“Ah, now, you do see something. But they aren’t monsters. And there is nothing wrong with you in any way,” Dezikiel said as he clasped his hands on the desk, that smile still sprawled across his face, like he was delighted to reveal something to me. “What you see, are hellhounds.”

I snorted at this. Hellhounds? My four monsters didn’t look like dogs in the slightest. They were humanoid, all dark and mysterious, and would be terrifying to anyone normal.

“This is all just something going on in my head,” I muttered as I shook my head in disbelief. It couldn’t be true.

“No, Lily, I assure you, it’s not. Those hellhounds have been protecting you ever since your mother died. Jorkan keeps you inside the safety of your home whenever he knows there are others looking for you. Your home, thanks to your hellhounds, is warded to mask you from discovery. They’ve watched over you for the last few years,” Dezikiel said, watching me carefully as I processed his words.

“Jack,” I murmured. Was he calling Jack… Jorkan?

“Right, you gave them all names, but they have their true names, too,” Dezikiel chuckled.

“I’m so confused… you’re saying… I’m not crazy?” I murmured, completely shocked at the idea that I was not utterly insane. An odd quiver coursed through me at the slight possibility. I’d convinced myself I was, it was the only explanation. But now?

“Yes, and I know you’re probably thinking all of this is just a part of the illness you have, but it’s not.”

“How would you prove it?” I scoffed. It could all just be in my head. Or a weird dream, although it didn’t feel like a dream.

“Give me your hand,” Dezikiel requested as he held his out, the palm facing upwards.

I stared hard at him, trying to read him. I’d learned to read people to some extent over the years, surviving on the streets. I’d known when people would help, and when they wouldn’t. But all I was seeing was his honesty and gentleness.

Just who was this man? And why did I get the strange feeling that I could trust him? He was a complete stranger for crying out loud.

But I did. The way he spoke, the way his smile touched his eyes, everything about him seemed real. Genuine. And finding people like that was hard these days.

I clenched my jaw as I reached out. Might as well see what he was hoping to achieve by this.

I took his hand, and he gripped mine hard as his eyes began to glow with a golden-white light.

I gasped as a wave of calm washed over me, and a sheet of sheer white took over my vision.

I stood in a white expanse, devoid of anything except Dezikiel, who stood before me in his navy suit, still smiling at me pleasantly.

Whiteness surrounded me, and I glanced down at my bare feet, not even seeing the solid ground I stood on. Everything was pristine, pure white. But it felt right, and safe. For some reason, I wasn’t even uneasy as I dragged my gaze up to meet his.

“Do you understand now?” he asked as he clasped his hands together and cocked his head expectantly at me.

I did. Somehow, with all of this light and warmth that had enveloped me, all the beliefs I had of me being mentally sick and crazy had been swept away.

What he’d told me was true. The whole thing about angelic and demonic creatures, my hellhounds, this Academy.