He reached out, and a sudden wave of fear shot through me.

“Don’t!” I barked, withdrawing my flames.

But it wasn’t fast enough. He touched the fire, and yelped in pain as the golden-white tendrils latched onto his hand.

I was on my feet in seconds, waving my hand over his and snatching my flames away. But his hand had been burned, and he just stared down at it with confusion.

“It burned me.”

I stared at the welting burn on his hand, wincing at how painful it looked. And it wasn’t healing fast.

“How did your hellfire burn me?” he questioned, apparently not too concerned with his injury compared to why as he gave me a stunned look.

“I don’t know. Also, I don’t think those dreams with my father are just dreams,” I stated as I bit my lip. We needed to get him some medical attention and fast.

“You’ve been having dreams with your father? And why not?”

“Yes. And because he said they’re not, and I don’t feel like they are,” I murmured as I began walking to the bedroom door. “We need to get your hand looked at, it looks bad, and it’s not healing.”

“I know, it’s weird,” he murmured as he inspected his hand, wincing when he prodded it.

I slapped his arm lightly. “Don’t touch it, dummy!”

“Hellfire can’t burn me,” he reminded me as we reached the door.

I hesitated at this, catching those mesmerizing dark eyes as he gazed at me curiously.

“Maybe it does now.”

“Or maybe, it’s not just hellfire anymore.”

I sat in the small infirmary room, watching as Miss Sage patched up Jack’s injured hand. She was frowning, and had asked a few questions about the injury.

As soon as I’d explained my hellfire had changed, she’d called and left a message on Dezikiel’s phone since he was out.

Bug, Chum, and Creeper had joined us, and all three were concerned as they exchanged looks.

Bug was snapping his elastic band like mad, while Chumley was shifting uneasily.

“So, tell me again, the flames had a white and gold color?” Miss Sage asked as her furrowed brow deepened and she pursed her lips while she applied a thick coating of some ointment on Jack’s welts.

He sat stock still on the stainless steel bench top, staring at me with curiosity and wonder.

I shifted under his gaze as I replayed the flames in my mind.

“Yes,” I murmured.

“How peculiar,” Miss Sage murmured as she began bandaging up Jack’s hand, chewing her cheek as she focused on the task before her.

I knew my guys had an idea of what was going on as they flicked their gazes around at each other, but no one said a word, which was starting to piss me off.

What was going on? What was this strange changing of my hellfire? What did it mean?

“I dreamt of my father again,” I stated, the uncomfortable silence driving me mad.

“Your father?” Miss Sage paused to glance over at me, those doe eyes perplexed at this news.

I’d told Dezikiel of my dreams, and he’d been intrigued by them as well.