“Hellfire won’t work on this demon spawn,” Charlie laughed from behind the monster.

I shuddered as I stumbled back, my heart hammering wildly as I sucked in air.

My hellfire. It was useless.

I couldn’t beat this thing, and it was towering before me now, growling and creeping forward.

Fear rocked me to my core, my body wanting to seize up before the beast.

I was going to die right here.

And I wouldn’t be able to tell the others how I loved them.

Snarls rose up all around me, and I gasped as an arrow pierced the creature, making it roar in annoyance. But the small injury barely affected the huge beast.

I knew the others were coming to my rescue. Not just my hellhounds, but the other students.

More arrows buried into the creature, along with a hurled knife.

And then I felt them moving.

Four black wolf-like creatures the size of bears exploded from the darkness, their horns glinting in the moonlight along with their fiery red eyes. Like the creature before me, their jaws opened wider than they should have, cracking right up to below their long, pointed ears. They shot past me, agile and quick, and full of pure rage as they barreled into the creature.

One launched high into the air with its powerful legs, snapping his jaws onto the creature’s shoulder and tearing into it as his claws tore into its chest.

Another shoulder charged into one of its hind legs while one locked its jaws onto the other leg and ripped into it.

The creature howled as the fourth hellhound shot around it, dodging it and getting past.

I heard Charlie’s cries as it found him, and the snarls rose up as he shouted and shrieked.

The creature fell to its knees, but I watched in horror as its huge clawed hands reached out, swatting the hellhound off its shoulder like a fly.

It yelped, but landed gracefully on all four and launched at the monster immediately.

I knew it was Jack, somehow. And Chumley was the one that had shoulder charged its leg, while Bug was yanking and tugging on the other.

Which meant it was Creeper who’d gone after Charlie.

“Lily, you okay?” Hadley barked as she pulled up on one side of me, Diane on the other.

Their hands were glowing green with magic, something I’d seen them do on occasion, but they were gritting their teeth.

As I looked back at the creature, I realized that its hands now had green chains binding them to the ground, holding it down on its knees.

The creature’s head shot towards the sky, and it roared in fury as it struggled against the magic holding it down along with the hellhounds.

Something golden caught my eye, and I turned my face skyward.

Something shot down at an insane speed, and as it drew near, I could only gape in sheer disbelief as Dezikiel sliced down through the creature with a brilliant, glowing, golden sword. It cut down through the head of the beast, light exploding forth from the wounds as the creature wailed and disintegrated into smoke right before us.

Dezikiel stood in its place, his large white wings spread out as he held his sword before him.

I stared in amazement for a few moments, before my eyes moved to the form behind him.

Charlie lay on the ground, his eyes glazed over with his throat ripped out and his body torn up.

Creeper stood over him, staring past Dezikiel, right at me. He was in his hellhound form, looking terrifying yet majestic all at once.