Iawoke, finding the warmth I’d fallen asleep with was gone from behind me.

I rolled over, blinking as the moonlight streamed in through my open window.

I guess Jack had brought me back to my room and tucked me in.

My legs were still sticky, and I carefully slid out from under the covers. I needed a shower, badly.

My body ached, but I was smiling as I headed to the bathroom.

The beautiful session replayed in my mind as I stepped under the jet of warm water, ghostly fingers caressing me as I relived his soft touch and the way he’d kissed my skin.

I thought of the fire that had burned in his eyes when he’d finished with me, of the bliss that had coursed through my body.

I could get used to feeling like that, and it wouldn’t hurt the more we did it.

I washed myself, replaying the scene over and over as my skin flushed.

Where had he gone anyway?

I knew he didn’t sleep. I wish he did, I would’ve liked to have woken up next to him.

I finished up and exited the bathroom, changing into some pajamas as I checked my phone. It was only one in the morning.

But I wasn’t tired now.

I wanted to see him again, to crawl into his arms and be held by him, to kiss him and thank him for making it so blissfully perfect.

I crept out into the hall, going over where he might be in my head.

Maybe he was out at the gazebo cleaning up. He spent a lot of time out in the garden or in the library, so they were options.

I slipped down the darkened hallway, only the moonlight seeping in through the window at the end to guide me.

I peeked in his room to no avail. They barely ever used their rooms except to change and shower, and maybe study.

I made my way silently to the library, checking in there first before heading out into the gardens when no one greeted me.

The cool night air brushed my skin, flicking my hair into my face to tickle me.

I quivered as I felt Jack’s phantom lips kissing my neck.

I had to see him again.

I strode into the gardens, following the path to the gazebo.

I sighed in defeat when I found it, finding it already cleaned up and empty. The only evidence of our amazing time were the few rose petals that were still scattered around.

I turned back to the mansion, silently heading back.

Maybe he was in the leisure room? Or talking with one of the others, which could mean he was in the music room or kitchen.

I froze as a strange sense of dread washed over me. I glanced around me, the eerie moonlight casting shadows that danced around, taunting me.

I wasn’t alone out here.

I forced myself to continue on, veering from the path when something pushed me to go the other way.