Isat in the library with the other hellhounds after dinner. Chumley had spent the evening with Lily watching Netflix and getting some quality alone time with her, and now we all sat on the couches to discuss things.
Creeper had finally kissed her, and now we were wondering how we’d go about taking the next step.
It was clear she wanted to, as things were getting more heated between all of us with her, but we’d all pulled back before it could go further.
We were nervous, I knew that, but it was also the worry that it might upset the others if one of us took it upon ourselves to be her first.
It was time to discuss it.
“Honestly, it’s up to her really on who she wants to be with,” Chumley said as he leaned on the arm of the couch.
“Yeah, but none of us have experience either. Her first time should be special,” Bug murmured as he flicked his elastic band.
Ever since he’d gotten closer with Lily, his horns had gotten under control, and Dezikiel had mentioned allowing him out of the mansion soon.
“We could all be her first, take turns?” Chumley suggested.
“I think that’d be too much for her.” Bug shook his head.
“I think Jack should. He was the first one to kiss her, the first one to make her feel comfortable with us all. He’s done the most research on romance and such,” Creeper stated from his seat on the armchair where he was lounging back. “We’re sharing her, she wants all of us. It shouldn’t matter who is first with her, just that it’s handled right and doesn’t hurt her.”
“Hurt her?” Chumley frowned.
“She’s a virgin, the first time can hurt,” Bug muttered as he flicked his band again.
“I know I shouldn’t be her first,” Creeper said softly. “I don’t know if I can be as gentle as she’ll need. When I kissed her, it ignited something in me.”
Chumley nodded at this, and glanced at Bug.
“He’s right, when things start to get heated, we all get a bit… fiery,” Bug murmured. “Even me.”
“And Jack has always had the most control over his hellhound,” Creeper added.
I just listened as they weighed it up, my heart speeding up. It sounded like they were settling on me being her first, which I wasn’t sure how I felt about. I had no idea what to do. I’d done reading, and sure, there was plain instinct.
But that was a big responsibility, and she deserved it to be the most perfect moment.
“Well, it’s settled, you’ll be the first for her. Let us know once you do, we’ll make sure we don’t let it progress that far until you’ve had your time with her,” Creeper said once they’d come to an agreement while I’d just sat quietly, not sure what to say.
I just nodded, knowing I had to take the lead, even if I was worried about it. I’d become the strange leader for our group back when we’d first come here, being the first one to adapt and understand how we were meant to be.
We went our separate ways, and I headed out to the gardens to think. I needed to figure out how to ask if she wanted to take that step with me. What if she wanted her first time to be with one of the others?
Was I supposed to tell her we agreed for it to be me as her first?
Would she be annoyed that we’d decided that when it should be her choice?
I groaned as I ran my hand through my hair.
I’d figure it out.
I spent the night in the library, grateful that it was extensive and wasn’t solely angelic and demonic stuff. I also googled on my phone, all kinds of tips and such for making it the best experience for Lily.