I found myself getting closer to the boys, from cuddling in the library with Bug to sitting out in the gardens with Jack, and joining Chumley some evenings in the kitchen while he played with meals, taking the time to make me some delicious desserts.

I was slowly getting closer to Creeper, but we didn’t bring up my odd little moment with him, neither did Chumley.

I wondered if they’d told the other two?

I now sat in the music room once more with him, practicing a new tune on my flute as he sat watching me at the piano.

“Charlie still bothering you?” he asked.

I rolled my eyes at the stupid question.

I’d nearly ignited myself in the leisure room earlier when he’d wandered past. I was reacting badly to him, and it was getting worse. Thankfully Chumley had been with me and he’d taken my hand, calming me down instantly somehow.

“Jack’s been trying to figure out why he affects us so badly. Even spoke to Dezikiel,” Creeper informed me.

“What’d he say?” So much for leaving it be. It must’ve really bothered Jack if he felt the need to speak to him.

“That we all need to have faith in the High Council’s decision to have him attend here. Although Jack believes Dezikiel isn’t sure about him either.”

I pursed my lips at this as I held my flute in my lap. So Dezikiel sensed it too. I guess he was bound by the rules of the Academy.

“No more demonic flare-ups?” he asked.

I smirked, of course he hadn’t forgotten my episode.

“Nope, thankfully.”

“That’s good,” he said as he cleared his throat softly.

I stood up and walked over to join him on the piano bench.

“Did it weird you out as much as it weirded me out?” I murmured.

“It wasn’t like you,” he said as he avoided eye contact.

“But you liked it,” I smirked.

He shifted uneasily at this, and I couldn’t explain this sudden need to toy with him. Seeing him squirm made me chuckle inwardly.

“How’s learning about angelics?” He tried to change the topic.

“Fine, I’m curious as to what powers Dezikiel has if he’s an angelic. They’re rare compared to demonics, like one to every fifty demonics. And they can have pretty epic powers,” I mused as I shuffled closer to his side.

“What were you feeling when my demonic side took over that day?” I asked, curiosity winning out. That desire I’d seen in his eyes, that hunger, it had given me some naughty dreams here and there. And Creeper was the only one who I hadn’t kissed.

He drew in a sharp breath as I leaned against the closed piano and cocked my head at him. I wanted to know what kissing him would be like. Since kissing the others, my confidence in that area was growing.

Jack and I had made out a bit out in the gardens, his hand sneaking under my shirt to trace my bare skin. I wanted to take the next step with one of them, but it terrified me as well. Getting Creeper onto the same page as the others would have to do for now.

My eyes traced his small but plump lips, God, he looked so much more baby-faced than the other hellhounds, but I’d come to adore it. When he did smirk or smile though, it made me giddy. His dark hair was spiked up at the front like usual, and those deep, soulful eyes finally met mine.

He swallowed nervously, and I realized he wouldn’t be the one to initiate. I’d need to take the lead.

I leaned forward, my heart hammering as he just watched me inch closer. My mouth curled up into a nervous smile as I paused just an inch from his lips.

And miraculously, he closed the gap, his soft lips finding mine.

His whole body relaxed as his hand rose to cup my cheek, and I held onto the front of his shirt, kissing him slowly and enjoying the moment.